Reviews For The Grand Tour

Name: Oregonian (Signed) · Date: 17 Mar 2022 12:46 AM · For: Chapter 1

Hi, PendleWizard.

I really like the premise of your story -- that Molly and Arthur are enjoying the fruits of their long years of hard work and are able to just relax and think about what they would really like to do, not just what they must do next.  As I do the quick math in my head, they must be in their late fifties, maybe about fifty-eight.  Still spry enouhg to do whatever captures their fancy.

It was nice to see them disovering some appreciation for the initiative of Muggles in traveling to unusual places where they didn't know anyone at all (revolutionary thought!), just for the fun of the journey.  I've thought about that with our own Muggle custom of flying to far destinations in planes and not seeing the countryside in between our starting point and our destination.

You include some aspects of growing old that we all know (or will encounter eventually).  I liked the discomfort Molly had about Hermione dictating the kinds of books that Molly could take from the library; our adult children can start to micro-manage our lives, but only with the best of intentions, of course.  Striking out into new terrain, just the two of them, would be an excellent experience of self-affirmation.  I hope they do it, even if not everything goes exactly according to plan.

This is a great premise for a story.  And you tell it so nicely, with excellent characterization.  Thank you for writing!


Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 18 Feb 2022 09:32 PM · For: Chapter 1

okay i love the idea of molly and arthur going on a holiday, and into the muggle word lololo i am expecting at least a lil bit of hilarity to ensue! such an original idea for a story as well - love it!


and honestly, molly thinking about how listening to the news from the muggle news is kinda not a thing to be done because godd the news is depressing, why would anyone want to hear it, right? i relate to that so hard, especially lately.


and oh my god i cackled at molly’s thoughts about hermione’s book recs, i’m dying haha. the idea of taking rose and hugo covertly to the library and wondering whether she could get the books she really wanted on a child’s hard made me giggle so hard!


arthur saying he likes watching muggles and molly telling him they’re not animals at the zoo was also a+++ writing, the humour is fantastic!


i loved the description of molly and arthur’s marriage - how the bedrock was their friendship and how it was friendship above all else that got them through hard times, it’s really heartwarming and nice, just as the way they seamlessly work together after so many years together.


and molly’s note about how wizards just apparate around and there’s no need for travelling and actually seeing places was really well thought of! i don’t doubt i’ll love wherever you take molly and arthur to next, it’s going to be exciting!


kris / ss voyager

Name: readaholic (Signed) · Date: 20 Nov 2021 12:32 PM · For: Ferry Cross The Mersey

I'm loving this story, I really like the focus on Molly and Arthur which is so rare. I really hope you continue with it one day. Cant' watit to see how the rest of their trip goes, especially the canal part! 

Name: prideofprewett (Signed) · Date: 04 Feb 2021 11:29 AM · For: A Burrow Christmas

I absolutely love how you show Molly, Harry, & Fleur cooking in the kitchen. Turning a blind eye towards "their eccentricities when it comes to seasoning," was a stroke of genius in my opinion. I love how they all kind of do their own thing, but aren't afraid to ask for help whenever it is needed. I think it speaks to Molly Weasley's organizational skills as a domestic queen. 


I also love the brief indication that Bill & Fleur live nearby to The Burrow and Harry & Ginny live in (London?). I think you convey the differences in that type of lifestyle quite well here. 


I ADORE Molly's ruminating on all her children's partners and children. I think this is just a "Mom thing." So to see it here just felt very believable and very Molly. And also the fact that she realizes that all of these relationships were molded by the war (much like I envision her and Arthur's) is so telling. Like I suppose it is only natural for her to wonder what their lives would be like without the war, but then she kind of has to shut that down because without it, who knows what their family would look like?  


And awww Arthur so proud of his certificate! I am all * hearts in eyes * for that moment. And for the kids to realize "Oh that means you've been married forty years, we totally have to celebrate!" Is the sweetest thing ever!


The sibling banter later on is gold! I love the idea that "I know you've face Voldemort, but good luck telling Molly Weasley to stay out of her own kitchen."


And LOL at Molly's "You're not getting me on a plane, Arthur Weasley!" I love how you write them so much!


This story is light, humorous and so full of love and wonderful family dynamics! I love everything about it!


<3 Courtney 


* team ice otter * 

Name: prideofprewett (Signed) · Date: 31 Jan 2021 01:56 PM · For: Chapter 1

Eep ok! So Molly/Arthur and old married couples are totally MY JAM! The minute I saw this story, I knew I absolutely HAD to read it for those reasons! Your portrayal of Molly preparing supper and Arthur in all of his thoughtfulness just made my heart SWOON. He notifies her of his tardiness and then buys her flowers! <3 You do so well to show his romantic tendencies and her practicality with her whole "I have a garden full of flowers and could have just conjured some." I love the balance they provide one another and how you show it here!


I love their reflections on their lives up until this point. It felt believable, heartwarming, and sad (thanks for the reminder about Fred being dead ;P). But this mix of emotions just shows your skill in writing them and has me super excited for reading more of this!


LOL "Railways today," had me cackling. That does seem like a very Arthur Weasley thing to read, and I love how Molly is amused by this. I love the other titles of your magazines too! So creative! And then omgawsh yes, they're going on a holiday together! I am living for this level of cute, marriedness! :)


<3 Courtney 


* team ice otter * 

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 11:19 PM · For: Books, Boats, Baltis and Baddesley Clinton

The alliteration in this chapter title is really something impressive. :D

This might be terribly random, but I just remembered that I totally forgot to comment on how Molly and Arthur put their clothes in a washing machine for sale hahahaha. I laughed so hard at that part! I absolutely want to watch a TV adaptation of these two just going merrily along through their adventure -- it would make me so happy! (I often spend time between chapters just grinning like a fool about events that occurred from previous chapters, haha! I spent my dinner thinking about this story, for instance. :P)

I’ve never heard of the Brother Cadfael books, but the premise sounds kinda similar to the TV show Monk? Is that the TV show they’re referring to? I just Googled it and, nope, I completely forgot that the main character of Monk is not actually a monk. :P

“The Church was run by a man in Rome called the Poke.” SDKGHLS. I choked on my drink when I read this omg. The way your mind works! I don’t know how you come up with these mishearings and mispronunciations, but I love it! I enjoy hearing different theories on how religion affects the wizarding world, and in this story it seems that wizarding Britain has been entirely separate from religions for quite some time, which allowed for that wonderful conversation between Audrey and Molly. Religious intolerance is still unfortunately very real but it’s true that it’s getting better!!

I was so happy to see that this story was updated recently!!! I’ve favorited it so I should hopefully get a notification when you update again. I love love love what you’re doing here -- I know nothing about Britain in the slightest so I’m getting an education as well as a wholesome story full of growth and development! :D

Best of luck with your following chapters!!! <3


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

Confession: My sister apparently refered to him as the Poke! Next chapter is nowin the queue.


Thanks again for all these lovely reviews. I am glad you have enjoyed it so far.

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 10:11 PM · For: Modus Operandi

IT OPENS WITH A PERCY PHONE CALL. Excellent! It was very cute, how he forced her to tell them about their trip hehe.

I loved their impromptu stop in Llanblodwen -- the people were so nice, helpful, and welcoming that I found myself developing a case of the warm fuzzies! And the calmness of exploring small towns is unparalleled! This isn’t quite the same but I went on a day trip to Washington D.C. once, where I foolishly planned to visit a museum and the botanical garden, but the best part was when my partner and I walked to a far-off bookshop away from the heart of the city, just randomly. I’m sorry for flooding you with my personal stories all the time omg, this just makes me want to travel and reminisce about all the fun things you get to see when you go to new places!

[“The rain was that steady sort that is a marathon runner not a sprinter, capable of keeping up that pace all day.”] The loveliest description of rain I’ve ever read! You have such a way with words, writing the loveliest turns of phrases that communicate your image so perfectly! Just the other day, my youngest sister was saying grumpily, “If it’s going to pour, it should pour longer than five minutes!” which I think would fit the “sprint” part of your description. :D

YAY Molly finally convinced Arthur to Apparate! <3

Amazing, amazing chapter!!


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 09:40 PM · For: Starting in the Garden of Eden

IT HAS BEGUNNN. THEY’RE SO CUTE, THEY STILL HAVE THE LOVE OF TEENAGERS BUT EVEN BETTER. I swear, every sentence of this story positively delights me! The way you describe their perspective is eye-opening -- they’re seeing the world in a completely new way, and I want to see it right there along with them!

“Even Voldemort at his worst didn't wreak destruction like that!” This is a very very harrowing way of looking at what humans do to the earth and its natural resources...and it’s so true, too. This line really struck me, wow. <3

Yay, their first bed and breakfast! I had to Google what an en-suite was because I’ve never heard of the term in my life. :’D I feel like I should be mildly concerned exactly how much I can relate to Molly and Arthur, because I’m learning so much about our world just from reading this story hahaha. I adored the phone call with Percy, who sounded perplexed and a little annoyed but who was indeed extremely helpful -- as much as I’m sure it woudl bother Percy, I want to see more of these haha!

If the travel memoir Notes From a Small Island is anything like this story, I’ll definitely have to check it out. <3


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 09:04 PM · For: Ready for the Off

Molly calling smartphones ‘clever-phones’ is the most wholesome adorable thing ever! Ever ever! I use so many superlatives with this story but it’s SUCH a gem, my love for it knows no bounds! I am ridiculously excited for their journey to begin, the entire time I was reading this chapter, I was just eagerly tapping my foot on the ground! So much preparation went into this that I hope that they can relax and have the time of their lives! And even when things go wrong -- the best part is exploring an unexpected place, like Dulcie said a few chapters ago. <3

Oh! Baby Albus sitting on Dobby’s stone! I think I may have teared up a bit, the way Harry gently explained to Albus who Dobby was. <3

Oh, Molly. <3 Let Charlie be single haha! Her insistence on uncovering a secret for him is so funny when she has a million combined children and children-in-law and grandchildren already, but he deserves to be left alone! He seems to be leading a perfectly happy life handling the darling Norberta. :P



Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 08:46 PM · For: Two Surprises

[“Philip came in and made himself comfortable on the sofa.”] PHILIP BACK OFF. I do recall that erroneous judgment I made many chapters ago when I said I found Philip hilarious and charming -- I severely underestimated the sheer nosiness this man was capable of! If anyone just parked themselves in my home like that, I would be so furious that I wouldn’t even hesitate to say no to the canal ring thing!! (I am still very fond of Philip as a character, haha! As a person, though...tsk tsk.)

I do love Barbara, though. She seems wonderfully open-minded and funny, and her role in the older middle-aged politics at the WI never fails to make me laugh! She was so right about Alison disliking the prospect of Molly being the undoubtedly better baker. :D

[“A full bodybind curse?” asked Molly.] I LOVE HER. I do wonder if they could get away with that…

I’m really looking forward to the canal ring thingy, now that Toby’s family is coming along! Wonderful chapter. <3


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 08:22 PM · For: At Home with the Weasleys

IS THE TWIRLY PASS A REAL THING. I just learned so much from this chapter omg -- never in my life would I have realized that “twirly” means “too early” ! BUT THAT’S SO COOL. My mind is blown!

“The trouble was it was often like someone mentioning Merlin to you and you not knowing whether they were talking about an obscure racing broom or the greatest wizard of all time.” YOU WRITE THINGS SO PERFECTLY, THIS IS SO PERFECT. It sums up all of Molly’s concerns about having conversations about non-magical things! I mean, even a rather sheltered person in our society could have a conversation about pop culture and have no idea if they’re discussing a niche artist or one of the greatest hits of all time. :D

The way Molly and Dulcie bonded in the kitchen made me want to sing and tap my feet! I love when they recognize each other’s graces and skills -- and the casual, warm way they discuss their parenting was so Soft! I particularly enjoyed that metaphor about playing an instrument vs. conducting a symphony, that was a stroke of brilliance. :D

I loved that soft, simple way the anxiety from the trip to Bill’s was dealt with! It was shrewd of Dulcie to suggest that Arthur was nervous, and so I loved that Molly took it upon herself to familiarize her way around public transportation without Arthur’s pressuring insistence that they do things ‘right.’ Sometimes partnerships just work in this way -- you need to sort things out yourself so that when you do things together, things run much more smoothly and calmly!

Awww, Percy and Arthur’s conversation!!! Truly the best depiction of a father-son relationship I’ve seen. My heart feels so full now. <3


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

Yes, a twirly pass is an actual thing!

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 07:43 PM · For: Out of Control

Can I just say -- I absolutely adore the plot of this story! I was talking to another Hufflepuff from the forums about The Grand Tour and they said that this story sounded like the reverse of “muggle-born student discovers the magical world for the first time,” which feels so very true! It IS a grand adventure, for Molly and Arthur, and I cannot express how happy I am that I’ve found this, so that I can follow Molly and Arthur along as they experience the hectic, fast-paced non-magical world!

“If the System failed, you could simply do magic to get round it. In the muggle world, you had to put up with it.” THIS IS SO TRUE. I read this line and immediately wanted to nod vigorously; I feel like Molly has really truly nailed the difficulties of our world, where so much of our lives are entirely out of our hands. That must be how she feels with her children planning everything out for her, as well! Poor Molly! I think her rage was wholly justified, and everyone deserved it. :P I read the description of the mess and immediately hives broke out over my skin skgskhls.

Aww, little Lucy and Rosie are the absolute sweetest! Their note made me smile. :D

I swear I will never get over how James pickpocketed his father’s wand. James should absolutely go into the petty theft business as an adult -- I do have a fondness for stories about pickpockets, though they’re the worst in real life. :’D



Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 06:56 PM · For: First Foray

Philip is the nosiest neighbor known to mankind, I swear. :’D

I feel like this chapter is a perfect rebuttal to Dulcie’s claim that magic makes everything so complicated sdkghks -- it’s a nightmarishly complex situation to find your schedule so reliant on the sometimes-inconsistent timetable of public transportation! I was so anxious for Molly and Arthur the whole way through because missing your bus or train is the worst worst worst feeling, and I always get so panicked about it from personal experience! I am SO proud that they figured it out, though, against all odds!! They’ve proven themselves to be quite capable, even with their (well-deserved) crabbiness. :D


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 06:28 PM · For: Flowers, Cakes and Mr Rudyard

I FORGOT TO MENTION LAST CHAPTER, but it was so delightful hearing Audrey trash the Hogwarts houses, and saying that they don’t really matter! She’s such a refreshing character, and I appreciate hearing her insights on everything! It’s always something that I’ve never considered before -- which I think also says a lot about your brilliance! <3

Like Molly, I am extremely fond of Kate and her rushing about, and I am now secretly hoping that Ginny and Kate will get to meet each other one day. :D I think Alison is such an interesting character, because she’s like the direct opposite of Dulcie! Alison seems to be very anti-change, anti-globalization (which, to a degree, I understand, but Alison’s mindset seems to be very closed and gatekeeper-y), which is similar to what Dulcie criticized the wizarding world for in a previous chapter! They’re very interesting foils for one another.

Anyhow, I like Kate a great deal! Her stunt with the brownies was absolutely priceless! I hope we can see more of her in future chapters! :D


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 05:50 PM · For: Food for Thought

The way this story depicts marriage is so so good -- it’s not always pleasant, definitely, and it really really requires that both people are willing to give their all into the partnership. But the way Hermione talked about her own broke my heart. It seems like she’s giving 150% while Ron is giving 50%, if that, and though I am a diehard Ron/Hermione shipper at heart, I think this is a completely valid interpretation of how their relationship would go. At very few points throughout the books did Ron ever show a proclivity for hard work, and I think that can easily translate into marriage, as well. And Hermione’s story about Harry!! That actually makes me really nervous, that she would find herself wistfully thinking about Harry at this time -- and that it’s something that she’s kept a secret from Ron. I’m so worried that something’s going to come out in the future that’ll mess everything up.

I’m really rooting for Hermione and Ron to pull through! But I have a bit of doubt that it will, given the way Hermione was thinking at the end of the chapter.

As heartbreaking as this chapter was for me (I am very much an unrealistic happily-ever-after kind of person, so Hermione’s unhappiness made me so sad for her!), I thought it was brilliantly written, as always! I loved the details and the turns of their conversation! I’m not sure I would call the Order of the Phoenix an army, though I do see Audrey’s point -- I think by virtue of not being established by the government, and of being a rebellion group, it’s separate from ‘army.’ For instance, I’m not sure I would call the Black Panthers during the United States Civil Rights movement an army!

I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF A SEPARATE WIZARDING SCHOOL. I’ve only read one other story that discussed a different school (sapphicsunrise’s Haversham Westley’s School for Boys), and so hearing Audrey’s thoughts on hers was incredible! SDKGHLS Audrey and Hermione both wailing about the Tooth Fairy hahaha!

I’m really scared to see how Hermione and Ron’s relationship moves forward -- I wonder if Audrey regrets asking Hermione about Harry now! This was an amazing chapter. <3


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

You make an interesting point about the Order of the Pheonix. The thing is, the books are told from the perspective of idealistic teenager Harry Potter: The Order are freedom fighters. But one person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist. The Merryweathers are coming from a different viewpoint: they're not Dumbledore fans. Perhaps they have bought into the versiom of events told in the Prophet, which I think of as rather like the Daily Mail (sorry - I don't know the American equivalent, if indeed there is one) - right wing, slightly hysterical publication. The Order were in effect aurors reporting to Dumbledore rather than the Ministry. I think that is the nearest you will get to a private army in the wizarding world.

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 05:22 PM · For: Muggle Makeover

Shopping trips are always so exciting! Particularly when it’s someone’s first time. :P It delights me to no end that Molly is planning on adding pockets to skirts! Can I pay her to tailor all my dresses? :D

I think Dulcie is an INCREDIBLE character. She is so unbelievably smart and thoughtful -- when she said that she didn’t want to be the favorite grandmother simply because her grandchildren could contact her more easily, I felt my heart warm a great deal. But wow, even though I’ve already thought about what Dulcie’s said to a degree, I found myself completely bowled over by how thorough and correct she is about the state of the wizarding world! (And, by extension, you, as well!) After a certain amount of technological development, magic will be rendered obsolete. I feel that the instantaneous travel is a BIG plus (one that I would donate a piece of my soul for :P), but apart from that, Dulcie’s so right about communication and ease and everything.

I don’t think that necessarily means that technology automatically makes things better, and I don’t think that's what Dulcie’s arguing either -- just that society is changing swiftly and if Molly and Arthur want to keep up, they have to adapt. But that also does make me a little sad. If I were Molly and Arthur, I would love living my peaceful, slow-moving life in a small town, not having to worry about deadlines and transport and money. This was such a thought-provoking chapter, and I love it so much for that!! <3


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

The cliche is that Arthur is the confident one when it comes to muggle matters. I didn't want Molly just to bob along in his wake.  And magic vs technology is a fascinating subject. Yes, instant travel would be a big plus, but lockdown has shown that with technology we don't necessarily need to travel at all. There are things magic can't yet do! I'm old enough to have grown up in the pre internet pre mobile phone world. Sometimes it feels like I'm living in a scifi movie! Magic has a lot of catching up to do!

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 05:01 PM · For: Journey of Discovery

Arthur’s genuine pride that Molly used the telephone to practice calling!! They have the healthiest dynamic between the two of them, and I adore seeing it represented this way!! They both make my heart melt. Also, somehow, doing simple things the completely overcomplicated, convoluted way seems like the typical Weasley modus operandi. :P It’s so funny to me that all this time, they could’ve simply consulted Dulcie who would’ve told them the easiest way to take a trip without needing to figure out all the banking stuff!

But at least all their preparation sets them up well for the future. :D

Oooh, Dulcie makes good points. I really don’t like the words used to describe muggles or squibs, but at the same time it makes sense to HAVE descriptive words for them. It wouldn’t necessarily make sense for people aware of both societies to constantly lump them together -- I agree about picking less derogatory-sounding terms, but not necessarily with removing the terms entirely! And I feel like Dulcie is conveniently leaving out many, many hundreds of years of history wherein Britain -- without the aid of wizards at all -- managed to do completely awful things, as well. So I’m not sure that I entirely buy that the wizarding world is more backwards, as much as I do sympathize with her point about finding the magical viewpoint frustrating!

I loved getting to meet Audrey’s parents! They were really interesting and provided a super unique point of view. <3


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 04:37 PM · For: Banking on a Bus

THESE TWO AND ALL THEIR MODERN ADVENTURES, I LOVE THEM. I could read about them opening bank accounts for a million chapters I swear -- you make them so lovable and relatable and easily root-able (? perhaps not the correct term :P). This has been my reaction to so many chapters, but never in my life did I think I would be THIS delighted by an older couple finding a bank that works for them and successfully obtaining a bank account! The Wessex sounds like the quaintest, loveliest place, and makes me loathe corporations just a tad bit more. :P

[“We need to open an account,” explained Arthur. “Is it called a raisin account? Something to do with dried fruit, anyway.”] Oh, my goodness. How is Arthur THIS unintentionally adorable, I don’t even know!

I find myself relating so much to Arthur and Molly, particularly when it comes to public transportation! I am so petrified of public transportation -- I live in an area where everyone drives cars, so I never had to take the bus until I went to a music festival in Spain, and I absolutely had no idea how to make the bus stop. Thankfully, someone was getting off at the same stop as me so they pressed the button, but I was just sitting there petrified!! So I related a ridiculous amount to Molly and Arthur, and it makes me all the more proud that they managed to figure it out on their first try. <3

I also completely understand not wanting to be 100% dependent on Hermione! She’s very helpful but sometimes you just want to feel self-sufficient -- which Molly and Arthur absolutely are! <3


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 06:02 AM · For: Sofa, So Good!


I actually find it so amazing that Hermione is able to explain the workings of Muggle devices! (And, by extension, that you’re able to!) I feel like if someone asked me what the internet was, I’d flounder about for hours without an answer -- it’s one of those things that we all take for granted that we can’t specifically define! Perhaps that’s why Hermione DOES know the answer -- because she’s lived in a world without it and therefore recognized its uniqueness.

Oh my goodness, Arthur’s typing for the first time! This must be how older generations felt when computers became widespread and popular for the first time -- they had to learn this silly QWERTY layout and figure it out slowly.

THEY’VE DUBBED IT JAMES’S CUPBOARD. The way you write children is the CUTEST -- in real life, they’re so dumb yet smart and cheeky at the same time, which is exactly how they’re portrayed here. Oh, James is just so cute that I want to hug him tight and never let go. :’D His pride at having the portal cupboard named after him simply because he forgot his let and right! What a darling. <3

The tea was just lovely! The more I read of this story, the more I fall in love with it; it’s an incredible combination of hectic Weasley shenanigans and calm countryside (probably not the right word, but I can’t think of anything better atm) living. It actually makes ME feel a lot calmer about proper adulthood somehow, with Molly and Arthur going through a very similar thing at a much older age, bless them. <3 You juggle the millions of characters so deftly that it’s like I’m there with them, with some conversations weaving through my ears while others float to the background! It’s amazing!

I adore this story so much, and I will for sure pick it back up tomorrow. :D


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 05:37 AM · For: Don't Hex the Owl!

I’ve only just read the chapter summary and I’m already cackling!

Ron being concerned about three-year-old Oscar making eyes at Rose is the most Ron thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Also, it’s so funny that Harry and Hermione and Ron are desperately trying to take care of the older Weasleys, who are absolutely not having it, not one bit! The stubbornness with which Arthur is proceeding, in particular, makes me want to laugh and cheer! I’m rooting for him to succeed all the way!

Burrow Meadows!! I know nothing about English traditions regarding house-naming at all, but it reminds me of those lovely old-fashioned names for manors/homes that we see in Jane Austen novels! (I know nothing about England at all, really, but somehow this story feels like the most delightfully English story ever, if that even makes sense?? I love it so much!)

YAY IT’S BEING BUILT. I’m so proud! Even though I had no involvement whatsoever!! I hope these two have a wonderful time living in this place -- and then finally having a recognizable address to open bank accounts! :D


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

"This feels like the most delightfully English stoy ever!" Gosh! That's just about the biggest compliment you could have paid me! Thank you so much! As a middle aged English bloke, I suppose I am striving to bring some Englishness to my stories.

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 02:03 AM · For: Guerilla Warfare

“DON’T HEX THE OWL” THAT’S BRILLIANT. I love all the colloquialisms that you’ve invented -- it adds an air of casualness that’s always been missing from the books!!

I am ridiculously proud of these two -- they’re going out and doing things the way that they want to do it! I’m so amazed and impressed with Arthur, how he managed to draw up a plan all on his own! I think I’ve definitely underestimated his ability to keep up with the world around him; even if he’s unsure about a lot of things, he’s shown how intelligent and capable he is! And the way they so carefully maneuvered around the shop fellow!! Gosh I’m so proud my heart has grown a million sizes. I love these two. I love this story that you’ve given them. <333

THEIR FLIRTING I LOVE THEM. I LOVE SEEING MIDDLE-AGED PEOPLE IN LOVE. I’m sorry that I’m so repetitive omg I just can’t get enough of these two!!


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 01:43 AM · For: A Sunday Stroll

I LOVE THE DIALOGUE OF THIS STORY. I’ve only just observed (I’m not terribly observant, sorry!) that this story is mostly told through dialogue between characters, which is utterly brilliant. Their voices are so clear and prominent, and I can always tell who’s talking!! Which is such a gift! I need to favorite this story -- it’s such a gentle, warm, wholesome read and I am completely infatuated with it. :D

Philip and Barbara seem to be catching on a bit! Perhaps I shouldn’t have been so quick to call Philip gullible in my previous review haha, he noticed a lot of odd responses from both Arthur and Molly. And Barbara observing the state of Molly’s dress changing is a bit nerve wracking! I do hope that they don’t get any further than this degree of deduction haha!

What I absolutely love, though, is how convoluted the path is to getting Arthur and Molly on a simple Muggle vacation! You do the most FANTASTIC job thinking about all the bureaucratic nonsense that prevents the wonderful couple from easily getting what they want! It’s actually quite insane, when you think about it, that wizards aren’t at all registered in the Muggle society -- perhaps, going forward, Hermione’s going to realize that wizards should make a much more serious effort living amongst their non-magical peers, and do something about it in the Ministry of Magic. :D

I never thought I would adore discussions of sheds and offices but I completely do! What is this madness! (I love it. <3)


Love, Eva

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 01:13 AM · For: Building Bridges, Building Sheds

Oh my god I love Philip. He seems to be living in entirely the wrong century but I adore him already and all his ridiculous conclusions and mannerisms. I can’t get over how funny that entire conversation was -- the poor man is so gullible! I don’t quite feel sorry for him, exactly, but he’s a prime source of entertainment, and I think you’re brilliant for having come up with him. :D

Dean is so handy! If I were in his position I would’ve been so flustered and embarrassed that I couldn’t speak, but he’s such a smooth talker! He must’ve had a lot of practice in his line of work, helping his magical friends out, which makes a lot of sense! Everyone else around him was quite flummoxed by Philip and didn’t quite seem to know what to do, haha! I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them was mildly considering doing some sort of memory alteration charm. :P

I LOVE the way you mix magic and mainstream, to use Audrey’s terminology! It makes me so happy seeing the behind-the-scenes of getting Arthur and Molly set up to go. :DD


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

Thanks again. As a reviewer on HPFF put it: "Every English village has a Philip."

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 18 Jul 2020 12:24 AM · For: There's a Hole in my Biucket

This story is so unbelievably pure, I feel like all my worries and concerns are being washed away. :D

I LOVE AUDREY. I am so glad that this chapter featured so much of her!! It’s particularly interesting that she never calls ‘mainstream’ folk “Muggles,” and I can see why! The word does really imply a sort of mundane-ness, and it does feel very derogatory at times! I think the word ‘mainstream’ makes a lot of sense, and I like that she uses it. (I’m so amazed that you’ve come up with this -- it’s not something I’ve ever thought about before, so thank you for giving me such thought-provoking material!)

The way that Hermione and Audrey chat so lovingly makes me so happy!! I’m glad that this whole endeavor to get Molly and Arthur out on a trip has inspired them to become closer, because nothing makes me happier than seeing Hermione hang out with some lady friends. <3 She’s only ever been surrounded by Harry and Ron all her teenage life, so it’s good for her to get some change now and then!!

I would 1000% read a story by you about Audrey and Percy getting together. I truly think that would absolutely make my life -- your headcanons listed here are incredible, and I want to read about them so badlyyy. <3

DEAN. I LOVE DEAN. I gotta admit, I have no idea what he’s talking about half the time -- technical language is not my forte, hehe :P -- but rest assured, I was sitting here open-mouthed at how brilliantly you’re putting all of this together. It’s absolutely incredible! I can tell you’ve put so much thought into this, and I appreciate every ounce of effort you’v made. <333


Love, Eva

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review. I have enjoyed creating Audrey. The books give us a particular version of half-blood witches - muiggle parent runs off or is confunded - but how would a mixed marraige work and what would their offspring be like? And a Percy/Audrey story? Well, you've inspired me! I don't know how far I'll get cos I've a lot of different story ideas on the go (some original fic), but it's been started anyway.

Dean: We know he's a West Ham United fan, which means he's from the East End of London and that knowledge plus the idea that he was a builder put a particular voice in my head. And don't worry, I don't think the Weasleys understand what he's on about half the time!

Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 17 Jul 2020 11:44 PM · For: Molly on a Mission

Oh my goodness I sadly did not notice this in time to include it in my previous review, but the chapter title for the previous chapter!!! “Council of War” omg omg I love it so very much!

I am honestly so unbelievably proud of Molly for stepping outside of her comfort zone and trying something new with her grandchildren! That must be the Gryffindor in her. :D I am decidedly not a Gryffindor -- I panic enough simply choosing a Subway order as it is, let alone actually going to an entirely new place on my own -- so I am so impressed with her! She managed to accomplish so much despite having two grouchy little children along with her haha. (They’re the cutest little babies, still, though! I’ve never really seen Rose and Hugo as young children, and they’re utterly ADORABLE here.)

I completely feel for Molly, being overwhelmed about all the additional things/information they need before going on a holiday! It kinda reminds me of when I went to college for the first time -- it felt like there were a million times I needed to learn, and I was so panicked about all of it! I have faith that Molly and Arthur will be able to have the loveliest time, though, once things are sorted out!! A lot of the most difficult things only take a moment to grow accustomed to. <3


Love, Eva

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