Reviews For Healing

Name: Stella Blue (Signed) · Date: 05 Jul 2017 04:48 PM · For: 1: A Little Wounded

*Transferred from HPFF*


Hi! Here with your review!
Since there were no specified areas of concern in your request, be prepared for a structureless, gushy ramble...

Mum, Dad, get to St. Mungo’s right now. Fred’s still alive. – George -- YES. THIS IS WHY YOU ARE AMAZING. :D

I think you did really well capturing the Weasley family confusion after the twins have disappeared - particularly Molly's outrage that she doesn't know what has happened to her children just after one supposedly died. So yeah, that was very true to character - of her and all the Weasleys. I have the suspicion that you are actually a Weasley yourself, since you seem to know them and all their behaviours SO WELL. :p

The second part with McGonagall was so sweet too - it was always evident in the books that even though she's so strict, she always did have a fondness for Harry. And I think it's natural that Harry would want to clean up the school and put all of this weight on his own shoulders, because he's been doing that his whole life, being the chosen one and everything, and what McGonagall says to him is right on point - you've perfectly managed that balance between her sternness and care, as well. And I love that she as well as the Weasleys recognize the Burrow as Harry's real 'home'. :)

Two points of possible CC:
1. Why didn't Harry go with the Weasleys to St. Mungo's? I would have thought that was a big deal for him as well to hear that Fred is alive. Did he go with them, and then return to the castle to clean up, or did he just remain at the castle while the Weasleys went to the hospital?

2. “Are you kicking me out? Do you want me to leave?” -- Harry seems a bit hasty to come to this conclusion here. Especially after all he's just done for the entire wizarding world. If that's the way you intended it to be, for him to jump quickly to a conclusion, then ignore the rest of this paragraph, but if you were interested in changing it to make it seem more like blank confusion, you could modify it to be something to the effect of "What? You want me to leave?" (or whatever.) Anyway, just something to think about.

Overall: It was a lovely chapter. Your characterisation is, as always, spot on. I am glad that Fred is still alive :D And I'm really looking forward to a reunion scene/ what happened to Fred. You are awesome.

Author's Response:

 Just for the record, I am totally fine with unstructured, gushy rambles whenever you feel like giving them. Just sayin'.

Awww, and now I'm blushing. Did you really just call me Amazing? You are WAY too nice to me.

But you KNOW I can't leave Fred dead if I can help it. I just can't.

ME, a Weasley? I wish! I would jump at that chance! Does this mean I get to have one of the twins? Oooh, which one to choose...

Of course the Burrow is Harry's real home. Everyone knows that, except possibly Harry, but he's getting there.

Okay, to answer your concerns.
1. He stayed at the Castle while they went. Which, I know is a little odd, but here's my reasoning. Harry is in that guilt mode he has - thinking everything is his fault, including that Fred was killed/is hurt. He felt like it was just for "family" to go to Fred right now and he's still not convinced this applies to him. Hence why McGonagall has to set him straight a little.

2. I honestly didn't mean for Harry to sound hasty and harsh there. But I did mean for him to sound dejected. He's lost and adrift. He doesn't even KNOW where home is anymore, and he has been kicked out of most of them he's known. So I guess he figured McGonagall was coming to tell him it was time to leave. 

Thanks again for such a great review! Glad you started reading this one. Hopefully you will have time to come back for more sometime!

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