Reviews For The Three Generations: Sorting Ceremony

Name: Renacera (Signed) · Date: 31 Jan 2021 07:32 AM · For: Astoria Greengrass

This is so adorable that I'm basically squealing with delight. :D :D 

I love your version of baby Astoria. I don't think I've read a Hufflepuff-Astoria story before, so this is a fun change of pace! But I really loved how you wrote her. She's so enthusiastic and excited, and she's got all the bubbliness that Narcissa before her couldn't have. To think that two women who are so different will end up family. xD

But really, Astoria is absolutely adorable. When she was so brave while she helped the other girl, I was pretty sure she would be sorted into Gryffindor, but us 'Puffs are brave in our way too! It was definitely a really strong 'Puff moment. Being helpful and loyal and hardworking are our things. :D

Anyhow, I loved Astoria's sorting, and I lovelovelove that she wasn't at all disappointed in being in Hufflepuff. She's just excited to have found where she belongs.

Great job with this chapter!!

*for the Fairyland review event, Over the Bridge*

Name: Dojh167 (Signed) · Date: 16 Jul 2019 05:17 AM · For: Astoria Greengrass

I like that you started this chapter in a different way, with the boat journey instead of the great hall. With doing the same kind of scene three times in a row things can get repetitive, so I like how you switched things up.


I like that one of the first character defining traits of Astoria is not just that she loves water, but that she loves it so much that she has to have the castle pointed out to her.


Oh, and for her next defining moment she sees someone scared and chooses to help. But what’s really noticeable is that there’s nuance in her kindness. She can simultaneously be a little dismissive and a little impatient. It honestly makes her kindness mean more, that she is conflicted but chooses to sacrifice what she wants (going straight to the sorting) to help someone else.


Haha, already calling her future in laws complete maniacs.


Omg, Astoria starting her sorting with a hello is the most adorable thing


I couldn’t help but hope we’d get the name of the girl Astoria helped, but I suppose there aren’t too many students that age whose names we know. 


Aww, yay a Hufflepuff. I’m glad Astoria’s not as worried as Narcissa had been about her family accepting her, though it seems Daphne is a tougher case. You did a good job of showing Astoria’s Hufflepuff traits throughout this, though I hope her obligation to try to mend things doesn’t lead to too much pain with her sister.

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