Reviews For My House Is Empty and My Family Dead

Name: TreacleTart (Signed) · Date: 14 Feb 2019 06:23 PM · For: 1. My House Is Empty and My Family Dead

Hey there! 


Back to leave you another review for our swap! Like I said previously, since my chapters are considerably longer than your poems, I wanted to leave you a few extra reviews. 


Wow. This is bleak, but very poignant. I am 30, so at this point in my life I hadn't really given much thought to what it must be like to be left alone, having seen all your loved ones pass away. It's really a sad thought. 


I wonder who the character is that is speaking. I kind of imagine it as Scorpius Malfoy talking about the death of the Malfoy line, but I suppose it could fit a whole multitude of characters.  


Again, your rhyming was beautiful. You really have a knack for creating smooth word play. 


Something I also really appreciated in this was the imagery. I could really envision the house once designed for multiple people sitting empty with a rotting garden and full of cobwebs and dust. It was a very melancholy image.


Great work! 



Author's Response:

This was not the first poem I wrote in the HP universe, but I think of it as my 'signature' piece, and my partner-in-crime Nagini Riddle of Gryffindor (at MNFF) made me a banner for it, which I use as my signature in my posts.  I had the opening line for a long time, but finally wrote it out.  Being the age of a grandmother, I am not a stranger to loss.  Losing the ones you love, whether family or friends, leaves a hole in your heart.  Are you acquainted with the song I Know You're Out There Somewhere by the Moody Blues?  It has a similar (not identical) theme.


Thank you so much for the reviews of my poetry.  Perhaps the category "poetry" makes potential readers shy away, but I write anyway.

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