Reviews For Glass

Name: down-in-flames (Signed) · Date: 13 Feb 2020 03:58 AM · For: Death In Its Carriage

hi hi hi!! i’m here for our swap. :)


this is a jam-packed chapter - so much happened!!


first of all, there’s teddy and vega - the moment where teddy said the best part of his year was meeting her was sweet, even if he did immediately backtrack on it. and i love that she’s encouraging him to go after something he’s passionate about. and then the fact that he actually goes for it! he’s generally a really timid character and one who struggles with the idea of taking up space / asking for things that he wants, so the fact that he worked up the nerve to approach the photography teacher and ask to be placed in one of her classes feels like something big for him.


and then… andromeda. she’s such a hard character to read, because i can never tell how much of her behavior is just how she is, and how much of it is because she’s ill in some way. and the malice that occasionally appears in her character is just so hard to comprehend sometimes - because sometimes it’ll seem like she’s doing something in that ‘strict parent who’s strict because they want you to do well’ way (like the fact that she wants him to take ~useful~ classes instead of letting him have one that’s just for fun), but then there’s a vein of pure malice to it that’s just makes it seem like she’s intentionally and cruelly trying to rob teddy of things that bring him joy, rather than doing it out of any sort of positive intention. this conversation she had with teddy was so intense and just… wow. the things that andromeda says to him, berating him for having feelings and suggesting that they aren’t valid, is just incredibly cruel and emotionally abusive. i don’t blame teddy for running away from it.


the potters is definitely a better place for him - given whatever teddy overheard of their whispered conversation, i really wonder how much they know? it seems like they’re trying not to pry, but they’ve definitely got their suspicions. 


also ginny’s writing is 10/10 i’m in full support of crushing men’s necks and taking over the world - also i’m cracking up at her ‘shit that’s too violent back the fuck up’ comment on her own writing. that feels like something i’d have to do to myself honestly.


and then this chapter ends on such a cliffhanger! the house feels so eerie at first, and i immediately knew something was going to be wrong when teddy walked in the door. that’s got to be absolutely horrifying for him though - no matter the things she’s said to him, that’s still his guardian and someone he cares about who’s collapsed and potentially dying. i need to know what happens next!!



Name: justawillowtree (Signed) · Date: 05 Aug 2019 12:30 AM · For: Death In Its Carriage

SO MANY THINGS KEEP HAPPENING, I KEEP FEELING SO MANY EMOTIONS. I feel like this chapter was probably the best one yet! Logically, everything made sense; all the characters’ actions were believable and understandable, and it didn’t feel like anything was exaggerated for dramatic effect, which can be very easy to do I think with abuse stories. Overall, really good job! I thought this chapter was written wonderfully!


I love that Teddy’s developed an interest in photography!!! Art is good for the human soul, and I hope that he’ll be able to really pursue his passion as he continues in life! It’s also really excellent that Vega supports him; when you think about it, being friends with her is really what brought out his artistic side, and the fact that she encourages him to talk as much as he wants about photography is amazing! A true friend. I’m glad that she’s his best memory, haha, though I wish he had let himself be more genuine about it! I hope she didn’t take his statement about having nothing to compete with too personally. <3


One thing that I realized this chapter was why I find it difficult to understand Andromeda’s character. This is speaking from a purely personal perspective, by the way, so it’s not anything to do with your writing exactly. But the thing is, a lot of what Andromeda’s doing, like talking about planning for the future and being strict with what her grandchild does, is really similar to what my parents do, or what a lot of Asian parents do—just without the malice that’s behind all of Andromeda’s words. But these parents genuinely want us to have good futures, with genuine goodwill behind it, so hearing these words so associated with care and love being said in between abusive statements is hard to understand, you know? :P


But ugh poor poor poor Teddy, I can’t imagine having a guardian that horrible. I’m glad that he found his way to the Potters’ home, and that they took him in! HARRY AND GINNY ARE THE BEST. They’re honestly really really wonderful; I feel like a lot of people would’ve just sent Teddy back home, but they really saw him and the state he was in, and I’m glad they let him stay for as long as he wanted. And Lily!!! Aww the cutie. I love all the Potter children haha, they really bring a lot of life and spirit to the home.


The whole pancakes scene made me so hungry omg, I haven’t eaten dinner yet hahaha. It was also really sweet and domestic, and I’m glad that Teddy got to feel like he was in a happy family for once. Can he just. stay with them forever? :P AND THAT HARRY AND GINNY GAVE HIM A CAMERA AHHHH.


Okay okay okay but the ending omg, what happened to Andromeda? Why does Teddy always have the unfortunate luck of bad things befalling on days related to him?? AHHH


Sorry for all the screaming. :P



Author's Response:

I SERIOUSLY THINK THIS IS MY BEST CHAPTER TOO!! So, seriously, thanks for saying that! :^) (I warned you when I said there would a lot of drama in the coming chapters!)


Art is very good for the human soul! I think one of the great things about Vega is that she just lets Teddy be, and encourages him to find who is outside of how he and others define him. Like everyone has this image of him, and Vega does too, but she lets Teddy change that instead of forcing it on him. Does that make any sense or am I just rambling? Probably rambling because I don't know how to articulate what Vega is to Teddy, haha. In fact, that's one of the reasons that Teddy doesn't really let himself be genuine to Vega because though all the signs are there, he's still not sure how to define her in his life, and what it would mean for Leo's place in his life if Teddy called Vega a friend. 


No, no, I completely understand! I have parents similar to Andromeda, you know, the whole planning the future and the strictness, the whole lot. It's hard to define what Andromeda's intentions are, though, and whether she means well or if she just wants control over Teddy. If she is well meaning, then why not take on a more understanding tone with Teddy? And if she wanted control, well then why not just be more transparent about it (obviously not every abuser will be transparent and outrightly take control like that, but for the sake of asking questions let's see it as that black and white)? Teddy's confused about why she's so imposing about something that's usually meant to be... more of a sign that parents care? I'm definitely rambling at this point so I'm just gonna stop right here before I confuse myself. 


Ahh, Harry and Ginny really are the best. I think seeing Teddy in that state was what really pushed them to letting him stay for the night (even I personally would find it hard if someone like Teddy showed up at my home like that). Their home really contrasts the sort of home that Andromeda provides, and the children certainly do add to that. They genuinely care for him, and the camera was a sign of that. 


Teddy has unfortunate luck like that probably because I accidentally wrote it that way, oops. 


Don't apologize for the screaming, it has greatly amused me! I love seeing your reactions!


Thanks for reading and reviewing! 

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