Reviews For As He Slept

Name: Predictable Chaos (Signed) · Date: 17 Feb 2024 01:22 AM · For: Chapter 1

As I read this, multiple questions came to mind. What rule are they breaking? The rule not to fall asleep or is the question more intimate? The rule not to care for each other? to fall in love?

Other questions come to me too? They probably met at Hogwarts, but has this been going on since then? Or have they met in the middle of the war? Is she married already? She wouldn’t leave her cause, but would she leave Lucius? Probably not, I doubt she and Gideon have that type of relationship. 


You brought up an interesting point about which is more intimate: Sex or Friendship? Although I feel we can agree this relationship is more sex, the last little act makes me wonder if perhaps there could have been more. . . if he had survived? . . . if she wasn’t married. . . only if. . . . 

Name: WriteYourHeartOut (Signed) · Date: 10 Feb 2024 03:34 PM · For: Chapter 1

Lovely story, this. Your writing is very beautiful, and you chose such a unique pair to write about. I really enjoyed Narcissa in this, and I could honestly see her having done something like this at one point, and she was never the most dedicated to Voldemort, only to her son once he is born, so perhaps before then, she played with this exact sort of fire? Either way, great job, and lovely repetition of He broke the rules to She broke them!

Name: inmyownlittlecorner (Signed) · Date: 08 Feb 2024 11:39 PM · For: Chapter 1

They slept together!!!! This is the sweetest thing!!! I love the angst and intimacy!

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 19 Mar 2022 05:52 PM · For: Chapter 1

Here with the SS Voyager :D :D :D 


I am always here for some Gideon/Narcissa <3 I love this. I love the idea that they aren't supposed to sleep around one another - that it leaves them vulnerable and so they aren't allowed. But Gideon does anyways because it doesn't matter they're on opposite sides of the war he trusts her when it comes to his life. And she falls asleep when he holds her even though she's sitting there telling herself how wrong it all is :heart eyes: 


I love love love the way you described them too. That Gideon was this sort of hope. And that he was her rebellion. They can't step out of their destinies that keep pulling them further apart, but when they're together they can rebel against those forces <3 AHHHH this has me all in my feels now :D 


- Jacquelin

Name: blackballet (Signed) · Date: 19 Mar 2022 03:25 PM · For: Chapter 1

Hi there, here for a review for the galazy!


i love this pairing so much, and I'm so glad to read more of it <3 


I always think of Narcissa as so angelic herself, so it's wonderful to hear her call Gideon angelic. Their love is literally so forbidden I just love it so much. And the way you break up each section with 'he broke the rules' until the last one is awesome, as well.


I can image how they lose worry when they're beign intimate. Just throwing away the worry about the war and each other's position and abandoning it for each other ughh. And the line "he was her rebellion" is the perfect description for Narcissa in my position, I love it. All Narcissa can manage is little rebellions, because she can't risk what she has </3


Love this! So dark and wonderful


Name: MalfoysAngel (Signed) · Date: 26 Feb 2022 09:34 PM · For: Chapter 1

Hi there!


Oh my gosh this was so sad! I don’t know why I do this to myself but I always seem to pick the stories that are sad. But at the same time, I always think that the saddest stories are the most beautiful. This was no exception. 


It always seems like the stories that get me the most are the ones where two lovers are fighting on opposite sides of the war. They know the risks, they know nothing good will come of it, yet they fall anyway. At that moment, they are at their most vulnerable and it’s bittersweet to see that while they trust the other person enough to fall asleep, they know that it’s the worst thing they could do. 


This was beautiful and sad and bittersweet and I’m a total rollercoaster of emotions right now. It’s been a while since a drabble did that to me. You managed to capture so many emotions in such a short piece that I am totally in awe of what you have done. I loved it. 


Peace, Love and Tacos




-Team Wanderer–2022 review event

Name: belgian quaffle (Signed) · Date: 19 Feb 2022 10:02 PM · For: Chapter 1

hiiii here for some galaxy things!

ahhh oh my god! i freaking love this! you had me hooked right from the start abbi. that opening line of he broke the rules, and then that repeated structure throughout, was SO GOOD. holyyyy tension, i love it. 

the dichotmoy of the cuteness and heartbreak here is amazing. the tender moments, pulling her close, being half asleep even though they shoulder be, letting her eyes flutter shut. but knowing they shouldn't be there, that they dont trust each other asleep, they're each other's deadly weakness. you do such a great job in this, showing so much of this relationship even in so few words, and building up to the end, where SHE breaks the rules too and i just love it so much. there really is something so comfortable about falling asleep next to someone you love and you built this up so well for this ending


Name: PinsandKneazles (Signed) · Date: 01 Feb 2022 04:02 PM · For: Chapter 1

Oh hai! Glad to catch you in tag and thought I'd check this out.


Rare pairing of Narcissa and Gideon - and what a forbidden pairing it would be, both on opposite sides of the war, blurring the lines between the two; I'm here for ALLLL the desperate shared moments and sense of wanting from each of them <3


I love the sequence of 'he broke the rules' which then breaks its own rule by finishing on 'she broke the rules'. It's such a clever and effective strategy to break this one-shot into bite-sized segments.


You've packed so much into so few words too <3


The way the moonlight illuminates the sleeping form of Gideon Prewett, doing what he's not supposed to, yet probably finding much-needed comfort and rest by falling asleep in the presence of Narcissa, and how it's 'angelic' in its appearance - both beautiful and foreshadowing. 


This line: "It was funny that they didn't trust each other asleep but they trusted each other in the most intimate of acts otherwise."

- just says everything about this pairing, about the risks involved in this clandestine relationship, that they never forgot which side of the war they each remained on, yet there must have been this irresistible magnetism between them to keep them coming back for more. And although the truest act of intimacy is often the innate comfort between two people, I think they have it here, because both of them have done what they said they wouldn't, and fallen asleep. 

If not for Lucius and the fact that Narcissa hails from the Black family, would she have been neutral during the war or potentially fought for the Order, I wonder?

I loved this. It was short, intense and full of forbidden dreams...<3

Meera <3

Name: maraudertimes (Signed) · Date: 13 May 2021 05:05 PM · For: Chapter 1

AWWWW they're so cute and heart-breaking!!! I especially loved the dichotomy of his passion for his side, the "never stop for his cause" line vs. her not stepping out of line, because it shows that Narcissa was never truly on "her" side, she just never tried to get out of it. And the last line where *she* broke the rules, ughhhhhh i just loved them and this, wonderful little story <3

Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 08 May 2021 08:45 PM · For: Chapter 1

i've loved this since you first posted it and i'm just so so grateful for this lil fic but goddd it's also just beautifully written - the both of them being each other's deadliest weaknesses and ultimately both of them breaking the rules i just,,,,,can’t even with the love and romance i love it so much

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