Reviews For big reputations

Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 21 Mar 2022 12:49 AM · For: you love it, i love it too

For the Galazy review

One item of cc.  I forget what the freakin’ shirt says. That was like seven chapters ago.  It’s something like ‘Inej’s number one fan’ or some shit.  Maybe just drop a reminder in the endnotes.

Kaz ending up wearing the shirt was inevitable, but the public shaming was a fun way to do it.

Nina getting into two different non-hypthetical hypothetical conversations was fun.

As for your end notes, yes - I also noticed that I’m halfway.  There’s a stupid reason that I’m continuing to review.  Your chapters are short, they are incredibly easy to read, and you’re an inky finalist, so I can churn out reviews like Nina can drink.

There’s a more important reason though.  I agree that it is literally nonsense - but It’s fun nonsense.  I like things that make me laugh.  I deal with too much other shit irl that doesn’t and this has been like a breath of fresh air.  It’s something different and fun and hysterical and you do a great job of owning these characters and bringing them to life.   

So thanks.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 21 Mar 2022 12:28 AM · For: i can't let you go

For the Galazy review

The back and forth between Jesper and Wylan was hysterical.  Of course jesper’s place would be a disaster and of course he’d try to get someone else to help him clean it.

Nina is absolutely right - Halloween-shaped candy is better than all other shapes.  The good stuff is always gone quickly.  All that’s left afterwards are fucking Dots and Sweettarts.

Kaz is so slow to change, but he does it in such an adorable way.  His ‘k’ has a period at the end of it.  (btw - I am a combination of kaz and matthias in social media - as if you had not figured this out by now.  I am also unapologetic.)

Thanks so much for explaining my question before I was going to ask it re: drunk texting.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 21 Mar 2022 12:10 AM · For: i don't wanna touch you

For the Galazy review


I feel slightly reassured that my technological literacy ranks right at both Matthias and Kaz level.  At least I’m not the only one.  

Jesper not realizing it was a week from Halloween is so…jesper.  As for the halloween party, I half expect Matthias to show up in that security guard outfit and nina in chains.  

Thanks for the mental image in the end notes of the pics.  As for MCU, I’m afraid I’m even further behind that you.  I’ve watched Guardians of the Galaxy, and only that because Rocket Racoon is my favorite.  I couldn’t tell sam and bucky from rocky and bullwinkle.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 11:58 PM · For: i wanna be your first string

For the Galazy review


So it’s not clear *why* van eck (derogatory) was yelling at Kaz.  I’m going to go out on a limb and imagine that he assumed that the mild disturbances on the lower level were somehow caused or influenced by the weird people at the table next to him that have been demonstrating short-term memory loss and a limited wardrobe.  If I’m wrong, just let me run with it.

The *profoundly* stupid conversation between jesper and kaz and the subsequent conversations were clever and enjoyable and disturbing all at once.  These people are supposed to be in college, right?



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 11:46 PM · For: you like the bad ones too

For the Galazy review


That’s the plan?  Really?  To mildly confuse van eck (derogatory) for a quarter second because the same people sit at the table next to them and do the same things?  I hope to God that Kaz’s plans in the novels are slightly better than this or all of them would have been murdered by page two.

Nina’s theory is much more plausible: this is nothing but a date and the rest of it is all pointless.  I think ‘dirty traitor’ will stick for far longer than any other name that Nina has in the chat.  

I’ve only watched a few episodes of the good place, but thanks to The Good Place wiki, I can now understand perfectly why Kaz would root for Shawn.  It suits him.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 11:29 PM · For: this endgame is the one

For the Galazy review


And on to operation wet couch phase 3.  Inej contradicting Kaz regarding his plan being solely to take her out on the date was very funny.  Furthermore, the rest of the plan was to have everyone else get drunk and rowdy *but not too drunk and rowdy*.  

And Kaz gets some revenge against Nina for her going back to request Matthias’ uniform.  

Thanks to that foray into the Grishaverse wiki, I now also understand why Jasper is so into guns (seeing as how he carries three of them everywhere) and consequently why he’s so gleeful over a trip to the range.

And Matthias just won second-fave character.  



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 10:07 PM · For: and i heard about you

For the Galazy review


It seems natural that Jesper would be the last to know about everything.  

I had to know whether Nina’s waffle obsession was directly from canon, or whether it was a translation of yours.  (Grishaverse consult…) Aha! She likes waffles.

Is Jesper being besties with Kaz from canon, or is that a translation of yours? (second Girshaverse consult…)  Colm is Jesper’s father (good to know)  There we go - “Jesper was considered Kaz’s right hand man”.  I’m good now.  I’m just going to take it on faith that the fight between them was canon.

Not sure I understand why Jesper wants to stage a fake break up.  Regardless, I’m sure he’ll find a way to screw it up.

Comment on end notes: I hadn’t noticed, so definitely not a hate crime.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 09:35 PM · For: and you heard about me

For the Galazy review


The fact that Kaz didn’t tell Matthias that he could quit the job after phase 2 is hysterical.  Again…why do they follow him?  

Jasper and Wylan are insufferably cute together.  The little smiley faces are too much.  I’m curious about the conversation between nina and inej.  Check that - I’m interested in the fallout from the conversation between nina and inej.

Again, Kaz with his ‘terms of our agreement’ and Wylan with his verbal texts from the room next to Jesper.  These are very interesting relationships you’ve built for them.  I’m curious to see you put them to the torch and burn them to the ground.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 08:29 PM · For: after the storm something was born

For the Galazy review


Although Inej is apologizing, something tells me this is all on Kaz.  She made a move and he went for his gun or hit her with his cane like she was a rabid bat in his hair.  He is his own worst enemy.

Wait..did Kaz just make a joke about dying by caffeine?  That seems so unlike him.  Inej must be wearing away at that prickly exterior.  Their absence from the last ‘caw caw motherfuckers’ chat was telling and then Inej sort of makes Nina’s head explode.  So fun.

As for your end notes, I have two comments: I agree with the first paragraph whole-heartedly. 

For the second paragraph: I suggest you don’t do anything differently.  It’s so much more fun imagining what is going on between them than having it spelled out.  They mystery heightens the story imo.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 08:13 PM · For: we do the most

For the Galazy review


The second and the very end chats are why Nina is my favorite.  Also, her getting a dog without bothering to ask Inej about it.  Although it will probably be with Matthias more than at Inej’s apartment…

I’m assuming that Jasper suggesting to bring a gun is from the novels.  There cannot be any good reason why he would do so otherwise in any sane universe.  Also, from my perfunctory research, heartrenders are not - in fact - very good boys.

The exchange between Inej and Kaz was very cute - as well as her reaction to Nina.  I’m pretty sure Inej feels like both killing and kissing him most of the time.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 07:52 PM · For: for all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities

For the Galazy review


Thanks.  Already Kaz is trying to screw up the best thing he’s done in 10 chapters.  Good to know that by the end he’s a man of his word, though.  The words that he uses are just…awful.  An investment.  Sweet baby Jesus, Kaz.  You sure do know how to sweep a lady off her feet.

At least by the end, he doesn’t try to ‘unsay’ what he sent to Inej.  

I don’t know who ‘colm’ is.  I’m assuming that’s a parent/guardian/roommate for Jesper.  Whatever, it’s a person he mooches off of and I’m assuming for the purposes of this story that’s all he’ll ever be.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 07:32 PM · For: the good and bad end up in the song

For the Galazy review


Nina’s revenge for being dragged into the Jasper/Wylan debacle is perfect, and Jasper thinking that she would have done anything else with that information is so Jasper.  Do you think he’ll learn to not share with Nina anymore? No, neither do I.

This chapter has such heart.  They’ve all been agonizing for so long over some stupid thing or another.  Between Jasper and Wylan deciding to do the only smart thing and Kaz getting so shitfaced he opens up to Inej - it was really a breath of fresh air, and an extremely enjoyable one.

Of course, I fully expect everything to go to shit, so I’ll buckle up.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 07:09 PM · For: calling my bluff on all my usual tricks

For the Galazy review


Wylan and Jasper both go to Nina and she’s stuck in the middle of all of these things that she does not want to be in the middle of.  If Kaz knew, he’d be laughing (on the inside, of course).

Jasper and Wylan’s ‘fixing it’ is awkward and stupid, but at least those eight bottles of whiskey should solve the problem really quickly…bro or no bro.

And Nina is going to be in the middle of whatever happens, I’m sure.  Also, they are all going to be drunk off their asses on a couple of cases of whiskey.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 06:17 PM · For: with four words on the tip of my tongue

For the Galazy review


So the whole plan was to get drunk and see what happens?  I mean, it’s brilliant in its simplicity, but I’m still confused about the endgame.  Unless the endgame is ‘get hammered every weekend’.  Not that it isn’t a valid endgame but I suppose I need it spelled out to me.  I’m very Jasper like that.

I love the title of the (rarely used) groupchat between Kaz and Nina.  It’s so appropriate.  I wonder why Nina is so concerned that they are or are not in a relationship?  I’m perceiving her much more of a ‘i don’t give a rats ass’ sort of person - but perhaps she’s just looking out for her friend Inej.

Wylan’s struggles with speech to text continue to amuse as does the inability for men to express feelings in anything other than horrible ways.  I love Kaz’s solution to the problem.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 04:25 PM · For: i got issues and chips on both of my shoulders

For the Galazy review


Jasper continuing to be a dumbass continues to be funny.  I wonder if someone will have to spell it out for him like Nina has to spell out everything dirty to Matthias.  Oh, nope.  He figured it out and is now running from the truth.  Good to see he’s still a dumbass, but now in a different way.

I’m still confused about the endgame.  What are Inez and Kaj looking for from the balcony?  You do mention a ‘this’ that kaj doesn’t want rollins finding out about, but other than having the team get hammered and maybe pour another beer on the couch.  Maybe it comes out in the next chapter.



Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 03:03 PM · For: and you heard about me


hey taylor,


here for the galazy fun!


haha, i love that kaz is good with wines and it's frankly adorable that jesper is going to so much effort for this picnic. he wants everything to be perfect, i hope nothing goes wrong. i love the banter between them as well, kaz is soo blunt and kinda annoying but also right. lmao. ohmigod, so matthias was just being a boucer for no reason, didn't he think to bring this up early? kaz isn't going to do anything helpful like tell you himself. haha


inej being the second go to for both jesper and waylon for style choices loool. i love that they care so much considering how much they see each other anyway. aw, nina and inej having a girly evening <3 i love this for them. jesper/waylon + inej/kaz are both couple goals but in different ways! 


Abbi xx


Name: blackballet (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 11:51 AM · For: the truth is it's easier to ignore it

Hi again, back for more galazy reviewing!


Lol I love how everyone knows what's going on between Kaz and Inej and they just reject it constantly. They're such kids, I always forget <3


lol that office reference, I can see Jesper saying that. and ugh so much lining this chapter with Wylan and Jesper and Inej and Kaz <33 And then also Jesper just slips in "ur the love of my life" oh so casually. I love how Nina is just like "why can't everyone just be like us??" to Matthias


ah so the plan is in place! and come on Jesper, you should know better than to ask Kaz's right hand <33 but at least it gives wylan and jesper a chance to talk to wach other ;)) 


the plan is in place!! and yup, Inej answering his door tracks. i love how obstinate they are in the face of literal proof that they are sleeping (just sleeping literally) together <33


Thanks again!!


Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 10:56 AM · For: after the storm something was born




ihere for the galazy reviewing event :)


ahhhh! kaz and inej! i'm here for it, like they have such an interesting dynamic and i feel so curious about it so i would be very interested to see more prose in this story and love to see what you would do with it to expand the story. it seems like we are getting developments in kaz/inej storyline though and i can't wait for their friends to be like 'told you so'. i wonder if jesper got back into his netflix account.


jesper is such a cute character like he's very silly but i'm so here for it! how do you make chocolate strawberries. it's cute how nervous he is. interesting to know waylon grow up in high society which seems perhaps different to a few of others. nina and matthias are the best as always, waffles 4eva right??


the ending is perfection like nina's reaction is perfect!! =D

Abbi xx


Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 05:40 AM · For: you and me would be a big conversation

For the Galazy review


Kaz is a lovable asshole.  Why do they follow him?  Again, that’s probably something I’d have to read in a book to really figure out.

The whole chapter was jester trying to get a glimpse into the relationship between Inej and Kaz (and failing, because he is - you know - a dumbass).  Is it more like Kaz and Inej are a science experiment that’s being studied?  I don’t know if Wylan and Matthias are in that boat (probably not), but now Nina is interested.  

Again, loving the drunk messaging as well as the group figuring out that they can leverage Inej against Kaz.  Problem. Solved.  (or not…)

I’m figuring we get to Friday in the next chapter and ‘Mission wet the couch part 2’.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 05:31 AM · For: your hand print's on my soul

For the Galazy review


Okay, the ‘your face is stupid’ chat was wonderful for the same reason I commented on it in the last chapter.  I guess Jesper is just that stupid.

As for the plot, is this just an escalating thing where they are costing Van Eck (Derogatory) more and more money to run the bar?  I guess I’m not sure where this is going except stupid.  Okay, Matthias is a security guard and he’s the inside person, but really - what’s the end game?  When would dad brekker put up his cane in victory and say ‘gotcha, motherfucker!’ and move on to the next thing?  Maybe I need to read a book or two…

And speaking of stupid, Matthias has to be hand-held through the whole officer in uniform thing.  Hysterical.



Name: Ameripuff (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 05:21 AM · For: it's like your eyes are liquor

For the Galazy review


So again, my apologies for wanding into this ff piece with zero understanding of the backstory, but this is a fun chatfic and you write these characters so well that I find myself wandering back.

Running on caffeine and hate.  Seems like Kaz and I have something in common… 

So I’m curious about Jesper and Wylan.  You have Jesper slamming jello shots in a broom closet, but he’s not into Wylan?  That just seems as glaringly obvious as the whole Kaz/Inej thing.

Also, I love the intentional misspellings (fcuk) when they are getting polluted.  It adds a level of realness to the whole narrative, as do the evolving usernames in the chat.

So I’m still not sure what it was that Kaz wanted to accomplish except have an epic party that potentially damaged a sofa at Van Eck (derogatory)’s bar.  They probably spent several hundred dollars in vodka and jello so that they could damage a chandelier and moisten a sofa?  Perhaps Kaz is not the genius I figured him to be…



Name: abhorsen (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 04:37 AM · For: i got a reputation that don't precede me


look so here's the thing, i'm pretty sure i believe kaz that he's 6'0 but also they're absolutely correct about people rounding up so i meannnn... like, fair

also jesper i am Disappointed in you, like manifest a cardboard cutout of harry styles or something, come on

tl;dr incredible

Name: abhorsen (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 04:29 AM · For: they told you i'm crazy


fuck professors who are dicks about disabilities i will fucking end them

anyway though in kaz's defense liiike.... five people in a car for a long distance fucking suuuucks, like i don't blame him for driving himself?

Name: abhorsen (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 04:22 AM · For: tried to forget it but we just couldn't


omggg babyyyyyy i love the cat i don't even need to see it to love it and also i love cat brekker as an entire name bc ded

i continue to love jesper which i'm sure is truly shocking to you, like there are many potential things that could have triggered my saying that and probably it was all of them

Name: abhorsen (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 04:18 AM · For: this endgame is the one

galaxy spelling it right for once just to spice things up

(or the opposite?? idk whatever)

anyway i love inej texting kaz that and am 10/10 not surprised kaz choked on his coffee, i mean in fairness i totally would + i also love jesper needing to immediately share it + kaz's response is actually pretty solid

i agree with nina it is v of the staff to leave the bar

spring brake oh hey we just finished that and fuck that

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