Reviews For Catch You Later, Evans

Name: PinsandKneazles (Signed) · Date: 13 Mar 2022 11:04 AM · For: catch you later, evans

PLUMS!! OMG, I needed a bit of fluff this morning <3 You say it's 'not your best work' but I would give anything to be able to write as engagingly and creatively as you have done here. It's adorable, funny and JILY HAS MY ATTENTION, OKAY?


I CACKLED at "a look that’s smugger than anyone whose face is sticking out of the shaft of a penis has any right to be sporting." I mean, James has serious balls to wear a dick costume and educate people on the necessities of self-examination to spot early signs of testicular cancer. It's a very noble cause but still takes some courage to shout about it. 

Loved Lily and James's banter, and the fact that he's OBVIOUSLY flirting with her but she just can't (or won't) see it because she likes him too, and after all this time, she probably daren't hipe for something to happen between them. Although it's irrelevant, I kinda want to know which university they're at and was it pure coincidence they ended up at the same one after seven years at the same school?

PLAN B!!! Poor Peter. And calling Lily's crush 'cute' must have mortified her. Even if it IS cute. And James is cute. AND THIS WHOLE THING IS CUTE!! 


Sorry for the incoherent, disjointed review but I love this, okay?

Meera <3



Author's Response:

meera i am answering this after a criminally long amount of time (nearly a year, look AWAY, time isn't real ????) but !!!! thank u so much !!! i honestly think my writing has improved a ton since i wrote actively for the fandom & i promise there's plot in me somewhere, but i'm glad you enjoyed this snack-sized ball of fluff either way !!!<p>james DOES have serious balls to wear a dick costume on campus, he really does not care about how he comes off and that's what i love about him. it's what lily loves about him too, even if she didn't want to think too deeply about it!</p><p>i don't really have a specific idea in mind for what uni they would've gone to tbh. somewhere vaguely northern because those are my roots lmao, but i imagine it would've been their local uni (like the big one for their city), hence why they both ended up going there.</p><p>thank you for reviewing!!! much love ❤️❤️❤️❤️</p>

Name: lebensmude (Signed) · Date: 12 Mar 2022 03:03 AM · For: catch you later, evans

Just like James Potter I too have worn a penis costume at uni to promote sexual health. You've gotten me to break my hiatus when it comes to reading hp fic I haven't read a proper Jily fic in so long. I'll always be such a sucker for a charming James Potter. If only he was real. Brilliant as always

Author's Response:

if only james potter was real... sadly, we can only dream [puts head into hands]


i appreciate the fact that you are as cool as him and have worn a penis costume to promote sexual health and am not surprised that you did that tbh. flattered i managed to break your hiatus for this little thing, you're the best

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