Reviews For shenanigans: the drabble version

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 16 Feb 2023 10:39 PM · For: sixth year: january

Love that this shows us a bit more of the rest of their friends and the dynamic outside of them (which I'm sure is all over the full story this is based on). Also love that Gallagher is just a mopey boi for no reason at all. The line at the start that he was suprised more people don't fall in love with Vic is just :heart eyes: He's a hopeless romantic in the end and just hiding it under all the mope. I put that under 'toxic traits I shouldn't be attracted to but always am' category XD Read you damn messages Gallagher! Don't be so negative and expecting to be let down all the time dammit! 

<3 Review Event <3 

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 16 Feb 2023 10:35 PM · For: sixth year: december

How appropriate they're in a kitchen because now we're cooking with some gas XD Wowza they kicked it up a notch in this drabble! But they're still the same teasing pricks to each other and I just freaking love that. Something's different - how can it not be - but the whole world didn't flip over. I really love the dynamic of these two. I've already said it, but you really crush their chemistry I mean they are just magnetic together even in these short fics. I'm so freaking obsessed with how they taunt one another - I mean it's borderline abrasive and I'm kinda here for it. 


<3 Review Event <3 

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 16 Feb 2023 09:43 PM · For: sixth year: october

YESSSSSS I was literally just thinking what I love about this pair is that they seem so comfortable around one another. This chemistry they have isn't forced or awkward or some intense passionate thing they can't avoid, they just fit. You've written that really well for only have a few drabbles to make it come across. The way they tease one another shows that off too. Love these two. Excited to read more <3 

<3 Review Event <3 

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 16 Feb 2023 09:40 PM · For: fifth year: june

As totally platonic friends do <3 What a bit lmao These two have insane chemistry for only being two drabbles into this story. And I love that they are fairly platonic. That they aren't all over eachother or being the opposite and like avoiding one another. It's a slow fall before the plummit <3 And it's cute as fucking hell. Teasing her for being the Ravenclaw. ahhh. I just love it. And Teddy being jealous af in the corner and Vic is just like...sorry not sorry. boi cute lmao <3 


<3 Review Event <3 

Name: RogueSlytherin (Signed) · Date: 16 Feb 2023 09:36 PM · For: fifth year: april

Hey Hey <3 
I've read some of your shenanigans stories, but it's been a minute. Even so, this drabble stands on its own! It sets up such a fun dynamic for these characters and I can already tell why it's called Shenanigans - the mischief is palpable XD I  really love that he's talking himself out of his feelings for the first two paragraphs, that really is the sign of not having the feelings to begin with XD This was a really fun drabble - so much personality captured in only a few lines. Well done! Excited to read more.


<3 Review Event <3 

Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 13 Aug 2022 07:49 PM · For: sixth year: january

"He couldn't be blamed for catching feelings for Victoire - it could happen to anyone, and he was confused about why it didn't happen to more people." - sameeee g, same


also i'll always just love fred being all secretive about all the things he knows about his friends/cousin because he doesn't want to betray anyone's confidence but at the same time trying to get them to realise they're actually idiots in love a+++++ fred vibes

Name: PinsandKneazles (Signed) · Date: 23 Mar 2022 06:16 PM · For: fifth year: april

Hey Branwen! I'm here with a galazy review :)


Sure, Gallagher doesn't have feelings for his friend Victoire. That's why she makes him laugh, she's talented an dlet's not forget how pretty she is. When someone makes a person laugh, they inevitably create some level of emotion and that always leads to feelings. Which is why Victoire fits so well into Gallagher's arms. Plus, there's Teddy. Or, mor specifically, Teddy's reaction when he sees Victoire with Gallagher. Gallagher getting a kick out of seeing Teddy react to them both together definitely DEFINTELY spells feelings. In a big way. 


Who you trying to kid? LOL


Loved how this drabble speaks volumes about Victoire and Gallagher. I'm pretty sure she must feel the same way if hugging frequency is anything to go by! <3 


Meera <3

Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 02:50 PM · For: fifth year: april


hi branwen,


here for another crazy round of galazy reviewing!


so i'm never going to get over the fact that g is a slytherin like it surprises me but maybe this drabble makes it all make sense. i headcanon him as gryffindor. haha, this is really petty of g tbh. like honestly 'teddy is my friend' but you know slytherins have that sense of self preservation to put nicely i guess which is again why he's pretending he doesn't like vic too and being a bit of a dick to teddy at the same time. i'm feeling sorry for teddy if i'm honest, this is perfectly titled and it's certainly not my favourite moment from g's mind here. #justiceforteddy looool. i still high key love g though. <3


Abbi xx


Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 10:11 AM · For: sixth year: december


hi b,


i'm here for vic/g (erm, i mean the reviewing event, lmao.)


i'm also super baffled by the fact that vic nearly ended up with teddy. i don't see it but i only see these two idiots from the description like it seemed like vic decided not to be friends with g anymore because it was awkward but this was dirty cute which is super fun. i love how much they tease each other and obviously hooking up hasn't really changed that interaction that much (apart from the fucking.) they obviously had such a natural start to their relationship. i love so much the dialogue here is so cheeky and totally them as characters. this moment was so well played. I'm really enjoying getting these little snippets of these characters that i enjoy so much!


abbi xx


Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 20 Mar 2022 09:23 AM · For: sixth year: december

lol i can’t believe victoire would still ask gallagher whether he wanted to fuck her again becuase really, vic?! after that whole…ordeal? shenanigans? i don’t know what to call it lololo but i also don’t know why you wanted to ship her with teddy - not sure whether you rewrote some of the earlier chapters to fit better with gallagher before i even started reading shenanigans or if the switch just happened in the middle of the story without needing a rewrite or editing of the previous chapters but i felt like her and gallagher fit waaay better from the start? like, it was kinda a vibey thing coming from gallagher from the start, even though vic was into teddy for a lil while. anyhow, maybe it’s just the canon ships influencing when you started writing the story at first and then things spiralled and then it was like fuck canon and like this whole thing happened which was great, yk?


anyhow back to this drabble, i love that gallagher continues (or, uh, well…what do you call it when it’s a prequelish type of thing?) to be snarky and that vic loves it because she is also super snarky but in a slightly different ways, and their snark works really well together so!


kris / ss voyager


Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 19 Mar 2022 02:02 PM · For: sixth year: october




here for galazy reviewing event :)


yayy, more vic/g, gosh, i just love snapshots of them together. this is such a small thing but it's really cute and just like vic says the ways that they fit together, like have such good chemistry. g is so cheeky but i love that he winds her up like it's the way that they communicate and seems to bond their connection further. vic must really hate mornings considering 10am isn't that early but apparently too early. haha. i like the little detail about chocolate not-frogs and being limited edition but you know vic is also special <3 that's my reading of the situation anyway. why else would he bring themm? lol


Abbi xx


Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 19 Mar 2022 07:51 AM · For: sixth year: october

these two are oblivious idiots and i am honestly surprised they didn’t get together earlier but then again i remember teddy who i conveniently keep forgetting. much like victoire forgot him. poor teddy, really unfair to him, riiiiight? :D


anyhow gallagher is a weirdo who likes mornings but then again that’s actually a super useful trait, and him giving victoire this lil chocolate frog thingie is the adorablest?? like. this super cool slytherin is actually much less cool and much more just a simp for victoire so there’s that. idk if i used that term right but basically he’s been fooling himself for a looong fucking time about her and like, he even admits that at some point if i remember correctly in shenanigans so just seeing those scenes from before knowing what comes after is hilarious but i feel like even just someone who doesn’t know their characters would know that yes, this is all super platonic, no vibes there, zero, best fools in the universe and all that. hahah


lol had to delete this and repost because i forgot to mention that victoire saying ‘well, now i know it’s love’ made me cackle because lol reading this with knowledge of what comes after makes for a hilarious experience


kris / ss voyager


Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 18 Mar 2022 01:24 PM · For: fifth year: june




here for the galazy reviewing event :)


i find it very hard to believe that g and vic just aren't a thing here. like omg, this is way too much tension and just plain flirty but ofc i love it. i love his teasing comment about her being a ravenclaw and yes i love that you mentioned about creativity because i always feel that's a defining quality of ravenclaw. it's not always the clever thing. her response is also just everything like i would be feel awkward if I was teddy or anyone else in the compartment for that matter like those are hella vibes. i loved seeing this moment. my vic/g heart is veryy happy. they're so raging fire though. 6 months?? really?? ofc, vic is pretty scatty tho. lmao. <3


Abbi xx


Name: grumpy cat (Signed) · Date: 18 Mar 2022 12:45 PM · For: fifth year: june

lol yeah gallagher has absolutely no feelings for victoire and he’s absolutely not obvious with what he’s trying to do and like honestly, how could no one have noticed this like victoire didn’t notice it or was she just being kinda oblivious because she was into teddy for a while and also gallagher was her friend and you might be a little reluctant to seriously consider your friend having feelings for you because it could potentially be bad for your friendship if, you know, things don’t work out (but also WE KNOW THEY FUCKING WORKED OUT OKAYY)


but anyhow the fact that gallagher was totally intentionally (and i’m not taking any suggestions that he didn’t know what he was doing!) making teddy jealous even before that whole thing that got him and victoire into fucking each other six months later is hilarious and totally a him thing to do so. so there.


but they’re also just all sorts of adorable and victoire thinking how much he makes her laugh and all that is also disgustingly adorable but well, that’s the two of them and it’s great


kris / ss voyager


Author's Response:

oh, he absolutely knew what he was doing omg


ily these are amazing and thank you so much <3 <3 <3

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