Reviews For A thousand Galleons?

Name: TreacleTart (Signed) · Date: 29 Nov 2018 06:49 PM · For: A thousand Galleons?

Hey Mel!


I'm here to leave another review for the Gryffindor Red vs. Gold Review Battle for November 2018!


This is a nice missing moment piece! I always wondered how exactly Fred and George went about planning the whole shop. This sort of fills in that hole.


I have to say that it's really hard for me to imagine them plotting this whole thing without Molly catching even a whiff of it, but then I suppose she's used to odd sounds and smells coming from their room. They're always up to mischief, so I guess she must just tune it out at this point. In a way though, it kind of almost shows that she doesn't have the expectation that they are actually creating and planning. I think they definitely get underestimated up until the point that they open the shop.


Harry giving his one thousand galleons to the twins was one of my favorite parts of the story. Harry has no need for any more money and he sees how dark the world is growing. He's so right in saying that everyone is going to need the jokes and laughter that the twins provide. I'm glad that they made good on his start up gift.


Who knew at this point that they'd also begin creating brilliant safety merchandise? They really are brilliant when it comes down to it. Perhaps the cleverest of the Weasleys.


Good work!



Name: victoria_anne (Signed) · Date: 24 May 2017 02:03 AM · For: A thousand Galleons?

I really loved this! I'm a big fan of missing moment scenes, and this was such a good one - Fred and George's reactions to the Galleons. It was such a fabulous scene, and I'm glad it continues with you! I love their overwhelming, dizzy reactions, and the endless possibilies they have before them. Really wonderful, Mel!

Name: nott theodore (Signed) · Date: 29 Apr 2017 06:31 AM · For: A thousand Galleons?

Hi again, Mel!  You've been such a champ for us in CTF that I thought you deserved some more love, and I couldn't just review the story that features your favourite pairing, could I? :P


I love missing moment scenes, and this was a really sweet one to read - although it still makes me kind of sad to read about Fred at this point, when he's so excited and full of hope for the future, and I know that it can't last. *sobs*


Fred and George are such difficult characters to write - at least, they always seem that way to me - but you did a really great job of their characterisation here, which is even more impressive given that the story was less than a thousand words.  I thought you captured their sense of humour so well, in the dialogue in particular - the way that they wanted to check that they'd actually just received a thousand galleons, once they'd accepted that Harry had given it to them, and the fact that they were so incredulous.


I think my favourite part of this story was that you didn't limit their characterisation to their sense of humour, though.  It's so easy to make them comic characters - a kind of stock clown in the story - but you didn't do that here.  Even in what - 700 words? - you managed to portray their characters as so much more than that.  


I loved the way that they were so incredulous about having received the money, because they'd never dreamed of having so much in their lives, and the fact that they just trusted Harry would have been honest with them (but not the Ministry. Shifty people, those Ministry workers, particularly with Ludo Bagman around).  We got to see their ambition and determination, too - they'd always wanted to open the joke shop, but it had never seemed a feasible reality to them (at least, not at this age) before now, and they're so determined to make it work and that their mum won't find out and stop them.  


It was really fantastic to get to see all those different elements of their characters in such a short story, and you captured them so well.  I really enjoyed this!


Sian :)

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