Reviews For A Place Not Far From Here

Name: potionspartner (Signed) · Date: 18 Jan 2019 09:40 PM · For: The Final Hallow

You definitely have fine-tuned the art of grabbing your reader's attention. I have so many questions and have imagined so many possibilities which of course means that I will click on the next button (after I complete this review.)

What exactly happened at the funeral? What is her relationship with James? and of course? What is in the box? the Stone? or is that too obvious?

I love Amelia as a prefect. She's got attitude and can get under James's skin  which immediately means I like her. (In most stories I don't like James. He just reminds me too much of my snobby high school.) Taking away his bacon-awesome. Boys have very picky about few things in their lives but sports and bacon top the list.


The ending is a great cliffhanger. Only 17 or 18 and she obviously has a history with the Hallows. How? It sounds like an interesting mix and an interesting past.

Name: adorably cute (Signed) · Date: 18 Jan 2019 09:30 PM · For: The Lupin-Weasley Wedding

Abby I am here for the menagerie and January's rvg and I just needed to get that out of the way BECAUSE WHAT THE HECK??


Ok first can I jsut say that James is absolutely ADORABLE introducing Amelia to all of his relatives at Teddy and Vic's wedding! Finding all these wonderful adjectives to describe her to all these different relatives (and telling George and Charlie that SHE'S REAL) was amazing but omg how cute and cheesy and adorable was it when he told her he would NEVER RUN OUT OF ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE HER? These two crazy kids. 


Honestly, I was pretty surprised that she went to Gaius' (because when she left Aunt Susan and Uncle Michael's and she was going to and apartment I expected to be Victoria's right away) but I guess this is a bit better! I totally don't blame him for being super skeptical because Amelia is acting a little sketchy right now, ngl. I'm like kind of proud/happy that Victoria was standing up for Amelia at first but also, Amelia is SPIRALING and she needs HELP so Victoria should recognize that! Amelia SNUCK OUT OF THE WINDOW for god's sake! I hope Victoria finds that letter! I'm curious what was inside of it!


Ok, so honestly, I feel like deep deep inside of me, I knew this whole thing was building up to Ameilia meeting up with her mother to get deep inside the Cause but now that it's here and actually *happening* I'm like not sure that either I or Amelia are really prepared for it? Like big stuff is about to go down, that was a HUGE revelation at the end of the wedding there and I do not know how they are all going to react. WHAT IS SHE PLANNING TO DO WITH DUMBLEDORE'S GRAVE?




Anyway, another great chapter, will definitely be returning!


Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 18 Jan 2019 10:41 AM · For: Exchanges of Words

Well...After all the waffling and screaming I did throughout the last chapter - though to be fair you did warn me chapter 10 would be rather interesting - I'm going to try and be a bit calmer and more rational. Ok starting from the top...I'm so happy James and Amelia are finally together in the Hogwarts timeline and glad they got the awkward relationship status chat down and out of the way. Nothing worse than not knowing where you stand, right! Their letters to each other were sweet and I'm glad they're keeping up with research, but the attacks by people in green seems sad now James is one of them.


Harry's reaction was difficult to work out - he had to be an Auror rather than a father whose son has joined today's equivalent of the Death Eaters...maybe. I really can't wait to see how this plays out, I'm so glad I have come to this story late so there's a lot left for me to read!


I thought the last part of this chapter was really gutting. I felt Amelia's guilt as she blamed herself, it was heartbreaking to read. And of course she's still in love with James, I really hope there's a light at the end of all this for them, but until then, I have a mystery to unravel!


For Magical Menagerie round two and RvG January Team Red! Tasha xx

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 18 Jan 2019 10:35 AM · For: The Heir of Ignotus

Abby!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! I have no idea where to even begin - what the hell happened?!!! This chapter was a whirlwind from beginning to end! James is a NeoWald! I can't believe it - I don't want to believe it! In fact, I REFUSE to believe it. Is this for real or has he been kidnapped under the imperious curse? There has to be an explanation.


This is HUGE, I can't understand what happened to that sweetie who KISSED AMELIA UNDER THE INVISIBILITY CLOAK. Let's talk about the cutest smooch ever first. I knew it was going to happen, it just had to. It's so clear that they needed to get it out of the way as the tension was becoming super awkward for everyone involved and it was perfect.


This chapter was a double edged sword - in that they finally got together in the flashback timeline, but then James is unmasked as a NeoWald in the present. It was SO clever. I have no idea how I'm supposed to feel to be honest, but it was the biggest and coolest twist ever. This has been my favourite chapter by far because it was so emotional, but I'm honestly going to have to have a lie down before the next one. I'm almost too nervous to find out what Harry's reaction is going to be...


(For Magical Menagerie round two and RvG January Team Red) xx


Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 18 Jan 2019 10:34 AM · For: Duelling Practice

I'm back again for Magical Menagerie and RvG Team Red January - and also because I adore everything about this story!


Oh Abby, why didn't you let them kiss, how could you end it there?! I'm so looking forward to them getting together, they'll be adorable! This was such a cute chapter filled with lots of fluffy James and Amelia goodness, which I absolutely love. 


The section at the beginning with her wearing the invisibility hat was hilarious. Especially when she told him she had a dazzling face. I'm so used to a cocky, over-confident James, it was sweet to see him a little awkward and uncomfortable when Amelia got up close to him. I love their interactions as they're getting to know each other better outside of their project. It seems believable and really sweet. 


In the ‘modern' time, I felt a little sorry for Amelia when she thought she was trying not to compare her "shoddy" life with Victoria's. I got a bit of a fright when she saw Cassius out the window though and really wish she'd caught up with him to find out why he's haunting her... for want of a better word. Great job!!

Tasha xxx

Name: adorably cute (Signed) · Date: 14 Jan 2019 09:16 PM · For: The Departure



Way to start things off this chapter on a bang! It was a good first scene while Amelia's waiting for the meeting but then chooses to leave early. Kind of scary watching her get loopier and loopier and then just knowing someone drugged her. WHO WAS THIS PERSON WHO GRABBED HER? WHY DID THEY SAY THAT TO HER?? 


Past timeline Amelia and James are so cute here! It's kind of adorable to see them in a different setting outside of Hogwarts and dressed up and fancy! I love seeing Amelia with the whole Potter clan--meeting Harry and Ginny as James' parents instead of meeting Harry the Auror. I loved that he told her all about his summer at the ice cream! That was so cute! Lily was honestly the star of this family for me though! I can totally picture her and Ginny going back and forth about muggle medicine vs Pepper Up Potion and her stubbrnness about not wanting steam coming out of her ears! Truly amazing!


Some developments about The Cause in the past timeline too and I think it was BIG! Amelia realizing that they're after the Elder Wand is definitely huge! Also, could this be why they're after James-because Harry's the one who's it's master, yeah? I'm eager to see Amelia and James keep working through this.


WILD ENDING HERE!! I am SO excited to see what happens next. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO POOR AUNT SUSAN AND UNCLE MICHAEL? Also, like I get it, I understand she has her reasons, but Amelia is a little awful at the end here! Very rude to the people who raised you girlfriend! It's going to be an interesting one when she meets up with the Cause now that she's shown them she willingly accepts thei conditions! AHH such a great chapter Abby, so much excitement!!


written for magical menagerie and january rvg (go red)!

Name: you-make-me-wander (Signed) · Date: 13 Jan 2019 12:58 PM · For: The Detention

Hi Abby. Here to help catch a creature for The Magical Menagerie and to continue your lovely story!

I stand by what I said before about the double perspective. It really works out because we delve into Amelia’s days at Hogwarts and how her relationship with James progresses at the same time that we keep up with the present as Amelia remembers the past and deals with its repercussions.

I’m intrigued about this Cassius guy. I want to know more about him and to find out what will come/has come from Amelia’s testimony about him.

As I was reading about the earmuffs and the fact that they belonged to Luna, I was wondering if they were foreshadowing somehow for something to come in the story. But then James goes to be all sweet and give Amelia a pair of her own and I melted. I loved seeing them in detention together and really enjoyed their banter, so I’m very curious to see how you’ll develop their relationship ^^

Name: lovegood27 (Signed) · Date: 13 Jan 2019 12:22 PM · For: The Pendant

Hi! It’s me again :)


Right, someone dead is visiting Amelia, who she doesn’t like. Did she summon him with the pebble, I still don’t know what the pebble is!


Oh, okay, I feel stupid now. The Resurrection Stone? I’m fuzzy on DH descriptions of it, but I always imagined it to look like a black diamond kinda, because of the movies haha.


I feel so bad for Amelia. She doesn’t have a good relationship with either, and the way her father speaks to her, taunting and belittling her is just awful. Judging by her thoughts, he was just as bad when he was alive- I’ll give him some credit for telling her about James (he’s alive!!). But at least Rita showed tiny hints of caring for Amelia, and it did seem like she’d left her with the Corners for her own good. Her father was making fun of her for being ‘protective over loved ones’...which kind of implies he doesn’t have (m)any, but I might be wrong. I’m interested, because Amelia refers to him as ‘my father’ but to her mum as just ‘Rita’ in the present tense parts of the story. Does she feel closer to her dad despite his personality? Perhaps there’s more to him than you’ve let on in this chapter. Either way, I’m eager to read more about him :)


Well, that Transfiguration lesson escalated quickly. Poor Amelia. I like how headstrong and determined she is, though. ‘You have eyes’ reminded me strongly of ‘there’s no need to call me Sir’ lol.


AHH. MORE CONFUSION. A triangular eye...the Deathly Hallows? (Or illuminati but I guess not). I need to know why it’s important!!


This was another great chapter, by the way! I liked the scene with her father as now we’ve met both of Amelia’s parents and you can see the contrast between the two and both interactions with them were interesting to read. I’m reading on, because all this mystery is going to be the death of me.

Name: facingthenorthwind (Signed) · Date: 13 Jan 2019 01:17 AM · For: The Final Hallow

Abby! I love mysteries because I can NEVER write them, so I'm SO excited to get my teeth into this fic, which is one I've had my eye on for ages but never got around to, you know? I was so excited when it fulfilled a Magical Menagerie category. :D Also I know you didn't make it, but gosh that banner is gorgeous.


Your first line -- "The owl evaporates in a puff of smoke" -- puts me in mind of 1984's "The clock struck thirteen": it establishes immediately that we're playing by different rules now. Even in the HPverse, owls don't evaporate, so it's very exciting to have that element of mystery right from the beginning.


I apologise in advance for the rest of my review, because I absolutely just panicked that our hero was called Amelia and she had an aunt called Susan and I was like OH NO THAT'S NOT AN OC but duh Emma of course it is, Susan's AUNT was called Amelia, so this Amelia is next gen. Which is also made obvious by the summary. And also the tags. I'm having A Day, Abby.


Aaah, her NEWT results! I remember opening my HSC results which, because I'm a baby, came out on the internet. :P I mean they were also partially in the paper, because Australia publishes a list of everyone who gets a certain mark in the national newspaper, but we were on holiday so we didn't get the paper. I swore and Mum didn't even tell me off for it. :P I'm intrigued about why she doesn't want to talk about her early NEWT more than I am intrigued about the existence of her early NEWT, though I am intrigued about that also.


Ooooohhhhh. I LOVE this "despite" and "concerning", it's such a good way to introduce all of this -- I'm both on Amelia's side because boo go away adults, she just got REALLY GOOD RESULTS, don't diminish that, but also…. I do want to know. And then her father is dead (?!) and something terrible happened to an ex (?!) and aaah the mystery increases!


I'm very interested in this line:

“Tell you what. You manage the counter while I get to cataloging the upper shelves today. I’ll even let you pick out the music station on the wireless...” -- it makes it sound like Amelia is managing Ollivander, not the other way around. Hopefully we get more Ollivander and Amelia interaction as the fic goes on!


THEY'VE KILLED JAMES? Look it's entirely possible that was in the summary, there was something about James Potter in there but my memory is shot so I have no idea. Oh Amelia why did you do that? I mean I can understand why you did that, but it would've been so much easier to just be like 'yes, I too am here for food, let's neither of us say anything about this because it's mutually assured detention if we do'.


Oh man and the end of this chapter is SUPER good -- how could Amelia possibly have had possession of the cloak and the wand? Who found the stone, and why did they send it to her? Ugh Abby this was EXCELLENT, I'm so glad I'm finally getting around to reading it.

Name: lovegood27 (Signed) · Date: 12 Jan 2019 06:56 PM · For: The Jaguar

Hi, I’m back for more! :D She likes History of Magic?? To be fair, we only ever receive Harry’s biased view on it, and Professor Binns is probably the main reason it gets such negative opinions. ‘There’s so much to know’ sounds like quite a Ravenclaw thing to say (wow, I’m not stereotyping)...Amelia’s in Ravenclaw, right? We haven’t been told her house yet, but it seems like she’d fit both Ravenclaw and Slytherin (Victoria Montague? Just guessing)


Her mum?! What’s she here for??


Oh, Amelia must have got that NEWT in Ancient Runes early. But why didn’t she want to think about it there something bad associated with it? (I forgot to ask that in my previous review lol)


Another cliffhanger! Why must you do this to me??


Well, I feel just as confused and have just as many questions as I did from last chapter. No clue what The Cause is still, but controversial if what Rita said is anything to go by. Also, I’m getting bad vibes from her and Amelia’s relationship. It’s overly formal, lots of tense moments...and the way you describing her as a hunting jaguar just gave me chills. She says she has her daughter’s best interests at heart, but she seems manipulative. Also, what has she sent to Amelia previously??


Another great chapter! I’m loving the super mysterious element but it’s also kinda agonising. Time for the next one! :)

Name: lovegood27 (Signed) · Date: 12 Jan 2019 06:17 PM · For: The Final Hallow

Okay, why have I never read this before? Mystery, romance and next gen are my top three favourite things to read and this story has all three! have left me with so many questions. What’s in the box Amelia received? Who is they? What’s The Cause? What has Amelia been in possession of? A Hallow? Which ones? What did she steal? Why has James been killed, what’s happening??


I was so tempted to just read on, because first chapter in and you’ve already surrounded me in mystery and suspense. Amelia seems to have a pretty dark past, and I’m really curious as to what happened...although obviously that’s the point haha.


I like her character! It’s a very original idea to have her be related to Florean Fortescue, seeing as he’s considered to be a pretty minor character himself. Aw, and she lives with the Corner family! But why does she have no parents (see, another question).


I was laughing hard at her telling the house elves to not give the Gryffindors tomorrow...abuse of power much? And then James came and stole some from her and gosh, I think I can see the beginnings of a romance ;)


Another thing I really liked is this whole two part story thing you’ve got going on. It doesn’t get confusing for the reader as ones in present and the other is in past, but it works to enhance the storyline and balance the moods out.


All in all, great chapter so I’m probably going to go and binge read the rest lol

Name: Stella Blue (Signed) · Date: 12 Jan 2019 03:21 PM · For: Exchanges of Words


Hey Abby, here for the magical menagerie!


Okay. It’s been a little while since I read Chapter 10, WHICH WAS SO CRAZY I AM STILL NOT 
OVER IT, and where do you go from there? Like I don’t know how to feel about anything anymore. I’m  reading this so closely now to see if James is a NeoWald in fifth year, or any signs about anything. I don’t  think he is, but… I can’t be too sure of anything with this story anymore!


It’s absolutely devastating to see the Potter family falling apart as they process what they just saw. I’m  glad someone suggested the idea that he might not be there of his own will, as it hadn’t occurred to me,  and I really hope this is the case, but things would be much more complicated and heartbreaking if he  was, and I have a bad feeling that that’s what you went for…


“Scandalously yours” XD 


Thisis a good point to mention that I really appreciate the split timeline as it  keeps some levity in, with the letters and the start of their relationship in the past, when the present 
timeline is so dark.


Small typo here: in Amelia’s letter to James she describes “hoards of cousins” which should actually be  “hordes”.

II do think you did a really good job writing Amelia’s feelings of guilt. And while they don’t make sense  logically, because stuff like that never does – it comes across as very realistic. Of course it’s not her fault,  but she feels some responsibility because she was the one looking into the Hallows in the first place. Poor  Amelia :(


This was a great chapter!

Name: ShadowRose (Signed) · Date: 11 Jan 2019 05:12 PM · For: The Dilemma

Hi Abby!


“considering none of your relationships have outlasted yours with your toothbrush” I’M DEAD THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD BURN, I LOVE AMELIA FOR THIS. Also, I was gonna review this as I went but instead just read the whole chapter in one go so I’ll add that honestly everything is so angsty for the rest of the chapter that this little moment of humour was really needed in comparison to the rest of it.


Gah, it’s been so long since we’ve seen Victoria. I kinda forgot how much I like her, tbh - but I’m glad that Amelia’s got *someone* in her corner, even if Victoria is also incredibly pissed off at her as well. If I got something that looked like a will from my best friend before she just disappeared, I’d probably be angry as well. But I love that Victoire immediately agrees to let Amelia stay in her flat, no questions asked. It shows just how much she still cares about Amelia and how good of a friend she is that she’s so willing to help out without being asked twice.


This whole last scene between James and Amelia was so well-written and so tense. I certainly understand so much of where James is coming from - it’s so heartbreaking to see people experiencing such hardship and either a) being powerless to intervene, or b) having the means to intervene but not being able to for some other reason. His frustration with the injustices of the world is totally warranted, and he certainly starts to take it out on Amelia, who isn’t necessarily disagreeing with him - but he wants someone to nod and agree with him the entire time, and she’s not  doing that, and he gets mad at her as a result. (As a side note, this is super relatable. I used to do that all the time and my boyfriend at the time would offer all sorts of solutions and I’d just end up getting mad at him because I just need someone to sympathise with me and agree dammit.) I can’t believe he just disappeared on her though, knowing she has no way of getting home. Amelia would be right to be angry at him for that though.


And oh no, that author’s note. Hasn’t poor James been through enough? Why must you hurt him even more? I’m not prepared for all the ways this fic is probably going to break my heart in the coming chapters.



Written for the Magical Menagerie event and January RvG

Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 06 Jan 2019 03:59 PM · For: The Dilemma

Abby! <3 <3 <3

As promised, I'm here for the new chapter. :)

Poor James, indeed... this is so sad... and now I'm starting to see how he got where he got... I'm not quite sure what would be the right thing to do in a situation like that... the world can be such a cruel place at times... :(

And apart from the last scene, it hurt so much to see him so broken in general... he's going through so much and he feels so lost... :( and Amelia, too... it must be so frustrating for her... she's trying so hard to be supportive, but how can she if he keeps her at distance that way? But I understand James, too. Sometimes it's hard to open up, especially when we aren't completely sure about what we are feeling ourselves... right?

As for the present bits... I know I told you already, but I adore Victoria! She's such a great friend and Amelia is so lucky to have her. I love how, despite being legitimately angry, she doesn't hesitate to help. And I love how she worries about Amelia and wants to make sure that she takes care of herself. She's wonderful!

Now I really want to know how things will develop from here. How's the relationship between Amelia and James going to change? I feel like there's going to be a fracture between them now... and you said the funeral scene will come soon? I also wonder what the NeoGrindelwalds are up to, and if Harry will find James and how that will all work out... And I still don't know where the wand is, I kind of doubt that it's still in the Room of Requirements...

I really hope there'll be a new chapter for me to read soon. :P

Wonderful job as always, dear! <3

Snowball hug,


Name: you-make-me-wander (Signed) · Date: 17 Dec 2018 05:53 PM · For: The Pendant

Hi Abby. Here for chapter 3!

Alright, so Amelia's father is dead. I wonder what exactly was the purpose of someone sending the stone to Amelia, especially if it was her mother. More so, Amelia seemed to know exactly what the stone was and its purpose.

And was it James that her father taunts Amelia about when he says she was probably expecting to see someone else? And if not James, then who?

Oh and it is the Ressurection Stone! I was wondering if it was the one or some kind of an alternative. I'm curious as to whoever sent it to Amelia came about it.

I still want to know more about Rita. It intrigued me that Amelia's father mentioned how Rita sent Amelia away to protect her. Does Amelia know about this? And what she being protected from?

So James is alive. I was wondering whether he was or not, but now I'm much more curious about what happened with James and what part Amelia's father played in it. Also why James would be mad at Amelia. Gaaah, so many questions!

I'm very much enjoying the secrecy and the mystery behind the plot, and I can't wait to find out more about Rita and The Cause. Also the necklace she gave Amelia, I'm guessing it perhaps has some magical abilities, perhaps protective properties and it wasn't given just for the sentiment? I guess I'll find out.

I can't wait to continue reading the story, Abby.

Happy holidays :)

- Susana

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 15 Dec 2018 01:22 PM · For: The Circumstances for Promises

The conversation with Amelia and Harry was great and I could feel just how relieved he was to find out James was still alive, it was really heartbreaking. I really want to know just how much Amelia knows about these attacks, The Cause and this Cassius chap. I think her and Harry have already had conversations about this, which is why maybe she fears him so much? Maybe she knows more about James’ disappearance than she’s let on? And of the, where the heck is James? Has he been taken or has he gone off on his own? I honestly have absolutely no idea what the story is behind it, but it’s a really cool mystery. 


So James and Amelia are going on an adventure! I’m both excited and quite terrified for them to discover the Hallows - though she knows where they are!! Which means they must have done it? Surely they didn’t go into Dumbledore’s tomb? Oh my gosh!


I also really love Amelia. She seems…real. Not fawning over boys, she’s trying to figure out a really complex situation and I think that makes for a great character. I like how James is determined to help her too. I reckon they’re going to make a cute couple, whenever they around to it! Is that gonna happen any time soon? I’m getting impatient. 


Anyway, the NeoWalds are behind these attacks then. Is her mother one of them and do they have James? I realllllly think this is what’s connecting everything, though I can’t work out how runes fit into it all. I think it’s going to be a big part of it. Also, I love that it’s something other than Death Eaters, it makes it far more interesting to read about a different group.


Also, I love Hannah and Neville. I’m on a bit of a Neville kick at the mo and love when he pops into  these Next Gen stories!


 Great job!


Tasha xxx

For RvG December - Team Red!

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 15 Dec 2018 01:19 PM · For: Crushed

Ahhhhhhh I freaking LOVED this chapter! Totally called it - Harry Potter does not keep regular work hours, how very rude. Though those attacks seem pretty serious though, I hope we get to find out a little more.


It must have been a wretch giving Harry the Stone - what a rather inspired way of making sure no one else saw it. I really felt for her when she said goodbye to her grandfather, it was really sad and I love the dialogue between the two of them. She seems quite scared of her future, and honestly, really lonely.


“I’m proud of you, my dear,” he tells me. “You’ve done so much, and I know you’ll do more great things.”


“Are they great?” I ask thickly. “There are times I’m not sure…”


His dark eyes search mine. “Amelia, we all must live with the choices we make. Know your mind. Know your heart.”



I really just have to say, this is such a great story and I think you’re crafting the whole thing really well, weaving all the aspects of mystery, drama and romance wonderfully.


As much as I REALLY want each segment to be longer, I adore the time jumps. I’m really enjoying getting to know the characters back when they were at school and unravelling the mystery of the attacks and disappearances at the same time. I think it’s a good way of drawing the reader into the mystery plot, while still falling in love with the characters.


Fab job again!!


Tasha xxx

For RvG December - Team Red!

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 15 Dec 2018 01:17 PM · For: Mum's the Word

After Amelia’s dramatic scene in the Ministry in the last chapter, I thought for sure Harry Potter’d be at the door with lots of questions. You sure know how to tease this plot, I’m dying to unravel it all! Saying that, it could well be Harry banging at the door in the middle of the night, unless her mother has returned? Ohh I’m excited to find out!


I get the feeling that Amelia, although with family who clearly love her, feels a little like she doesn’t quite fit in there as she spends a lot of time up in her room. Or it just might be that she’s a teenager with a lot going on, and they’re never very forthcoming with information. Or it could even be because she’s been using the Resurrection Stone and it might be taking its toll on her, draining her emotions. I get the feeling summoning people from the dead might not have the best impact on anyones mental health!


I liked the scene in the library with James and Amelia. It seems like their relationship is developing organically and it seems they’re getting on well, which feels natural. The necklace totally has the Deathly Hallows sign right? I love that James reads in runes, it’s such a cool interest to have. 


Ahhh Amelia likes him! How sweet that she’s just realised it. 


Tasha xxx

For RvG - Team Red!

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 14 Dec 2018 04:06 PM · For: Ehwaz
Well this was just great! I loved the time jumps - though I do wish each section was a little longer just to give me more - but then it kept the pace up well, which can sometimes get lost in this narrative. I loved that we got to see Amelia post-Hogwarts and in the Ministry. Though I’m guessing there might be some job complications after having been escorted out on her very first day! That ending was fantastic! I loved the descriptions there and could really see her being restrained - great job!

I’m intrigued as to why she fears Harry so much. I would have thought she would have known him well enough, so something pretty big must have happened there? Anyway, knowing Harry, her little outburst will be enough to get his attention. You seem to be holding a lot back as Amelia has definitely had dealings with Auror Barrett before. 

Anyway, again I loved the James and Amelia scenes and seem like they really have clicked. I liked your “people began to notice” line. Is that because it’s a (shocker!) Gryffindor/Slytherin friendship maybe? I don’t know, but I really like where it’s going!

Cracking job on this story so far, I’m loving it!
For RvG December - Team Red!

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 14 Dec 2018 04:04 PM · For: The Detention

After all my screaming questions about al the mystery so far, I was glad to have a chapter dedicated to getting to know James and Amelia together. I love their dynamic. She’s a lot more closed off and sarcastic and he’s a big cheery nugget. Though the whole Boggart conversation was hilarious. She is really funny and I think she and James are going to make a really cute couple whenever they get around to it - yes I’m shipping them already, so please don’t break my little heart!


Detention - with Neville! - was a cool way of introducing them to each other. Or re-introducing them as it unfolded that they used to play together when they were kids. Interesting. Also, Amelia’s family are friendly enough with Neville to be invited to his wedding! I’m really loving all these layers to this story. 


Jumping back to Cassius Vaisey. It’s very weird that she remembers seeing him at the wedding when she was a kid. It makes me wonder if she’s seen him more, or whether he just terrified her so much, she can’t forget him. Either way I know he’s bad news.


Aw and I loved the birthday present at the end. As sweet as it was, I feel so sad for her. I want to know where James is as much as she does at this point!


Tasha  xx

For RvG - Team Red!



Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 14 Dec 2018 03:20 PM · For: The Pendant

Oh thank Merlin JAMES ISN’T DEAD! I’m so happy. I really thought you might’ve offed him before I’d got a chance to fall in love with him and I’m so glad he’s alive. But where is he? And what the heck is The Cause? I’m trying to fathom this all out and even though I’m already screaming these questions, I love it. All I want to do is click on that next chapter button, but I’m restraining myself so I can shout a load of waffle in your reviews!


Amelia’s a Slytherin! I’m really into reading about likeable Slytherins at the moment, especially when they’re written as genuine people who don’t just scowl at everyone all the time. I really like her.


So dad is just as charming as mum then? He seems like SUCH a creep. He did something to James at a dinner party? From his snarky comments he doesn’t seem to like James much, he just referred to him as “Harry Potter’s son”. That's a story to come, I'm guessing.


Oh and I love the letter written in Runes and then it bursting into flames! I reckon Runes are going to be important in this story.


Also, I get the impression that James isn’t just a boy she fell in love with or was friends with, there’s something else going on. The ending to this chapter kind of gave the impression that she NEEDED him to be alive. I’m so excited to find out where this is going.


Tasha xxx

RvG December - Team Red!

Name: adorably cute (Signed) · Date: 06 Dec 2018 11:53 AM · For: The Dinner Party







Ok, so back to the beginning so this is like maybe mildly organized and not just a hot mess of nonsense? THE CAUSE IS WATCHING HER!! Like, that's cool, that was the goal and all, but like also, that has to be kind of creepy! It feels VERY OMINOUS to have all the leaders off the wizarding world in one place, except also, if all the leaders are in one place, that's the PRIME OPPORTUNITY for the NeoWalds to attack a different location, one that would leave just as much of a mark and is conveniently less guarded because all of the leaders of the wizarding world are together in one place. I WATCHED 24 ABBY, I KNOW HOW THIS GOES!!!


Obviouslsy, Susan and Michael are concerned for Amelia's wellbeing (and rightfully so), but she is not having it. And like, as a stubborn Gryffindor, I am HERE for Amelia's rebellion and sticking to her convction, but as a 25 year old who has the beenfit of hindsight and can tell you how stupid 18-20 year olds are, LET THEM HELP YOU AMELIA! THEY ONLY WANT WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU!


Ok, it's birthday time! OH MY GOD ABBY! WHAT??? IT started off so nice and pleasant and then thatt??? What?!?!? HER FATHER ARRIVES?? HE'S AWFUL! I'M SORRY, BUT HE IS! Truly not the way to drop in on your daughter on her birthday, dude! He knew alll along that she existed and wanted her mom to turn her into an obscurius? That would have been wild! The whole thing is wild! And now they know how much she and James know! I'm so curious if that's why they went after James! Is he only a oart of the cause to protect her? Is he under the imperius after all? I STILL NEED TO KNOW!


Lastly, that scene at the end was very cute, even though poor poor James!! It was honestly so James to care more about the "I love you" than his dislocated shoulder and I loved it so much! GREAT WORK ABBY I CAN'T WAIT TO KEEP READING!!


-for december rvg (go gold!!)

Name: adorably cute (Signed) · Date: 06 Dec 2018 10:07 AM · For: Hogsmeade

ABBY!! MY GOD THIS CHAPTER, SO MUCH! Here to spread some holiday cheer and also for December RvG! 


I don't even know where to begin! I loved the parallels in this chapter between the two Hogsmeade visits! The line about Lily laughing again was so sad! It's such a powerful one to show how James' dissapareance affected everyone else--because we can clearly see what it's done to Amelia.


This meeting with Koch sounds crazy and I WAS SHOOK when I realized Albus was there. Truly, I spent the WHOLE CHAPTER just hoping that he was doing the same thing that Amelia was, and this was one of his ways of coping. Their confrontation at the end was reallly interesting and I kind of feel like they're both over their heads with thie NeoWalds. 


I loved the introduction to both Albus and Lily in this chapter! I thought Lily's introduction in the past timeline was especially great, because of the way you described her! It was brilliant, it really gave me a great idea of how she is. It was so nice of Lily to try to include Amelia in James' birthday! It shows a lot of the change in Amelia thta she was willing to help out (because I agree, I don't think she would have a few chapters ago) but that she's still got that shy(?is that the word i'm looking for?) part in her, where she's more comfortable off to the side once they actually get to the party. 


Anyway, another lovely chapter Abby! This just keeps building and building and I am SO EXCITED to keep working through it (my goal is to catch up by the end of the month)! GREAT JOB!


Name: Stella Blue (Signed) · Date: 02 Dec 2018 07:40 PM · For: The Heir of Ignotus








Okay, so I saw some of it coming. The kiss under the invisibility cloak was SUPER cute and also pretty obvious that it was about to happen because come on, how long can two people who are attracted to one another stand under one cloak together while they're enjoying the thrill of rule breaking? And it was so sweet that they finally kissed and that he trusted her enough to show her the cloak and I have loved all of the buildup of their relationship (or whatever it is at this stage) and IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE BECAUSE ALL OF THIS CHAOS IS JAMES' FAULT AND HE IS WORKING WITH AMELIA'S MOTHER AND WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY IS THIS, I FEEL SO BETRAYED. Like it retroactively casts a shadow on how beautiful the scene right before it was. How long has he been on the side of the NeoWalds? What is his reasoning for being with them? Gah, I have even more questions now than I did before omg this chapter was so intense and AMAZING


Also, I have this weird suspicion after they were talking about how her pendant is a family heirloom and the Invisibility Cloak is an heirloom of James' family, like... are they actually related? I guess they would only be REALLY distantly related, but I just suddnely have this feeling that Amelia is related to one of the other Peverell brothers. Or like, Grindelwald or something, I suppose.


Anyway. This chapter was so good!

Name: Stella Blue (Signed) · Date: 02 Dec 2018 06:09 PM · For: Mum's the Word

I started my binge! I was going to read straight through but I saw a word that seemed out of place so wanted to point it out - it only stood out because everything else is otherwise so polished, but anyway, at one point James says "A Slytherin nonplussed over blood status" which kind of felt odd to me as I think you meant that Amelia doesn't care, but nonplussed is like... perplexed or confused? maybe worth revisiting that sentence as I don't think that's what you meant.


And because I don't want to leave you a review that's just CC, here's a short summary of what I loved about this chapter before I go on to the next one:

1. Everything

2. Michael and Susan not knowing how to help Amelia when she doesn't want help is so heartbreaking

3. I still absolutely love Amelia and James bonding over the runes, also James was 100% reading runes in his spare time because he's a nerd and that makes me love him even more

4. aw I really like her getting to 'meet' her grandfather even though she probably shouldn't be using the Resurrection Stone, but it's really nice that she can talk to him as she never got the chance to meet him for real

5. I feel like Amelia realized her feelings for JAmes like 10x faster than any protagonist in any fanfic ever, 10 points to Slytherin.

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