Reviews For A Place Not Far From Here

Name: Stella Blue (Signed) · Date: 01 Dec 2018 10:35 PM · For: Ehwaz

Hi Abby! I'm here for your wishlist :D


It's really interesting that the person Amelia fears most is Harry Potter. It's such a very different reaction than the starstruck admiration most people have of him in next gen fics, and I imagine this has something to do with him knowing about her involvement in the Cause? Or he was disapproving of James and Amelia's relationship (that I don't actually know happened, but I assume?) Or he's just really intimidating. Could be any of the above.


It's okay James, I thought that joke was funny too :P


V curious on the history between Auror Barrett and Amelia. That was such a frosty encounter that i swear it actually got colder in this room.


I live for this banter between James and Amelia as they're working on the runes.


That last scene was super interesting too because it's the first time I've seen Amelia kind of lose it like that, yelling at the security in the Ministry. I mean, the earlier scene in the chapter she kind of loses that icy exterior around James, but she still appears in control, whereas here she's making such a scene. I am even more curious now about what happened before and what Auror Barrett and Harry know about it. And how HArry will react to Amelia shouting about Peverells, or whether someone else will pick up on it?


This was a great chapter! I'm so impressed with how you're slowly unravelling this mystery, giving just enough so that I want to just devour the whole story in one afternoon because I'm really bad at waiting patiently :P

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 24 Nov 2018 06:22 PM · For: The Jaguar

Oh. Oh! Is it the Resurrection Stone? I thought it had something to do with the Hallows, but that would mean she stole the other two? What?!! And Harry LOST the Stone in the Forest. Oh my days, this is exciting!


Anyway, this was a great chapter. I really liked meeting Amelia's mother, she seems...delightful. At the end when she called for McGonagall was actually quite chilling - iike she is in control and manipulating the situation. So The Cause is an activist group then - that is very different to what I was expecting.


This was very interesting: "Am I in trouble, Professor?" I asked, wondering if I needed to put up a defense.

I thought that said quite a lot about Amelia. Maybe she's used to hiding behind a mask, or trying to avoid letting people in? i'm not sure, but either way, I can't wait to find out more about her.


You do a really great job of showing and not telling, which is fab. You're also really great at teasing plot rather than handing it out on a plate. I have no idea where this story is going to go and that is what makes this so addicting. Can't wait to read more!


Tasha :) Here for the November RvG x

Name: LadyMarauder (Signed) · Date: 24 Nov 2018 06:03 PM · For: The Final Hallow

One chapter in and I've already added this story to my favourites. I'm honestly surprised I've managed to pause reading chapter two so I can review this.


This is such an intriguing opening chapter. I liked the time jumps and Amelia seems very interesting. Firstly, because she used such a weird excuse to hide that she was doing exactly what James was doing in the kitchens. Like she didn't want to let her guard down, maybe? But also, she's a little bit sassy and I love that.


There is so many questions this chapter throws up even before I've thought about getting to know Amelia as a character though. What is The Cause? What was she sent and who by? Those closing paragraphs have me guessing...but I could be very wrong, so I'll leave my theories for later!


And James is dead? How can there be such a cruel twist half way through chapter one? I've never, ever seen this. Usually such a reveal is left for act 3... which must mean this is going to be an 'edge of my seat' kind of tale. He seems like a cheeky one as well, so I'll be sad if I don't get to know him.


I can't wait to read more of this!


Tasha :) 

For November RvG.



Name: adorably cute (Signed) · Date: 23 Nov 2018 04:56 PM · For: A Place Not Far From Here

Hi Abby! Here with your requested review and for November RvG (woo Go Red)! Excited to be back and get started reading this chapter!


I love what you say in the end note about this being a quieter chapter but A LOT happens. Like, it's not super action packed at all, but there is so much in here that I feel is significant and it's even titled the same as the story! It defintiely seems to be some kind of turning point or like at least a significant shift in views or momentum for Amelia, in both her past and present.


The note from Amelia's mother is insane! I'm honestly not sure who I was expecting it to be from but I was surprised to find out it was from her! After leaning it was from her, the content doesn't surprise me at all. Especially the part about not warning Amelia off the blood runes! The lady is bonkers! Poor Amelia for dealing with all this right after almost dying!


I continue to adore the scenes with her and James. I love the scene where they're practicing dueling here and Amelia is just able to identify the something has changed but isn't able to put her finger on what. It's so wonderful watching her fall in love with him in the past timeline.


I hope Neville gave Amelia the kick she needed to get things together. She has defniitely been a bit reckless in her quest to find out what happened to James and needs to spend some time thinking about herself and what she needs to do. Neville was truly the perfect person to have this talk-he's got all the experience of losing a childhoood too early and he's definitely a great person to confide in. I'm glad he was able to bring some of Amelia's spark back out! I hope that she can keep it there and is able to use it to figure things out in a way that's more like herself and a little less reckless!


Another wonderful chapter Abby! Can't wait to see what happens with Amelia coming up. I believe her intenetions are good, but she's just lost herself a little, trying so hard to get what she's looking for! I'm curious to see what she thinks about herself!

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 19 Nov 2018 09:44 AM · For: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

You are such a tease! Harry and Amelia got so close to discussing what happened at the funeral! Some things were revealed: the duel, Amelia dueled, and that James was taken after the duel and that Amelia thinks it’s her fault. So officially, as far as Amelia and Harry know, James was taken, which implies that it was against his will. Unless that it was all an act. But I’m leaning away from that theory. 


I really liked the scene with Harry and Hermione and Amelia. I really like your voice for adult Harry and Hermione. And I’m really curious now, and Amelia touched on it, that it’s a huge deal because both Harry and Hermione left the international conference for this. It doesn’t look good. So the raid, the raid going wrong ish, and Amelia’s involvement is more important than than the international conference. Dang. I really really really want this chapter from Harry’s perspective. 


Amelia’s occlumency is really interesting. Who tried to read her mind? Why? Why now? Questions, so many questions.


And what was James wondering?????


For RvG November. Go GOLD!

Name: ShadowRose (Signed) · Date: 18 Nov 2018 10:41 PM · For: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

Hi Abby! Happy November RvG!!


Okay, so you mentioned last night about how you really like coming up with symbolic chapter titles, and it made me realise that it definitely rings true here - you’ve got the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match in the past, and Harry and Hermione (both Gryffindors) vs Amelia (a Slytherin) in the present.


There’s so much tension in this interaction between Amelia and Harry, because it’s so obvious that Amelia doesn’t trust him or the Ministry anymore, but at the same time, they both want the same thing. The whole thing is just so emotionally charged and Amelia’s just feeling so many things at once.


And she’s in such a difficult place now, because the NeoWalds will definitely target her if it looks like she’s working with the Ministry, but at the same time, going back to Azkaban would be miserable - and we see just how much Azkaban has affected her by the fact that she won’t even say the name of it.


Ahh, you continue to hint at the events of her father’s funeral! I’m SO curious about what exactly transpired, so I can’t wait for that chapter to actually come.


And jumping back into the past… WOW. The scene where Amelia’s spending the Quidditch match trying to block whatever force out of her mind (her father, perhaps?) is just so well done. You’ve managed to capture both her mental processes and the actual match all at once, and given the massive difference between the two, that’s no simple feat. This line - “I gathered my emotions like they were flowers: panic, confusion, anger, anxiety, excitement. I imagined holding them in my hands, delicate blossoms, and I crushed them, breaking their stems, smearing their aromas together, pulverizing their petals. I pictured dropping the boquet off the stands and watching it land in a crumbled mess far below.” - is easily my favourite in the chapter - I love how clear a picture it paints of Amelia’s thoughts.


And then witnessing her trying to come back from that is so intense. All of her lines about trying to figure out how to feel again and having to repeatedly remind herself what it is that she’s doing shows how much of a toll that previous episode of Occlumency took out of her. And then there’s all the conflict with James’ teammates (who are in fact being incredibly prejudiced against Slytherins) that finally tears her out of it. And the fact that as soon as her emotions come back and hit her all at once, she just wants them to go away again - it’s a lot for her to handle at once, and I feel like it’s definitely one of those moments that shows how past Amelia is starting to become present Amelia.


Lovely chapter as always, and I can’t wait for more!



Name: Sleepingbagonthesofa (Signed) · Date: 18 Nov 2018 09:24 AM · For: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin


Hi Abby!!!


So You know my thoughts on this incredible chapter already but I thought I would pull them into a more coherent order and leave them in a review for you!


In the present it feels like we're finally getting some answers. Amelia really is stuck between a rock and a hard place and also SO close to telling us what happened! Her dynamic with harry continues to be incredible. She's balancing on his knife edge and one wrong word could send in one direction or another. It's extremely well written!


An unexpected addition to this scene was Hermione and Amelia instantly has a lot more respect for her. It was such a nice touch, the satchel matching Hermione's old bag and the two witches having a tiny moment of respect for one anothers magic was wonderful. If only she could be in charge of Amelia's case and not Harry, I have the feeling we would have a much better outcome.


The end of that scene is so emotional. Both Harry's understated pain and her huge outbursts show the one thing that links these characters, James. It's addictive to read, your writing never fails to impress me.


Now onto the past and THE GAME!! You write quidditch so well, which I know was a concern but you managed and I loved it!


The scene when she shuts off her emotions was intense to say the least. I've said before but this chapter feels like a horrible bridge between past Amelia and Amelia where she is now. Her control of her emotions and her ability to cut them off will be crucial going forwards. Also her possessiveness of James sets me on edge a little, calling him her James doesn't feel like love. It feels like our girl is becoming a little unhinged! (well, a lot unhinged. We have read her future, we know what's coming!) Could this be a possibility for why they broke up? And Jamess "wondering" thats another brick on the road to doom, isn't it?


A wonderfully intriguing chapter. The answers are within our grasp now (or mine rather... mwahaha! But I promised I wouldn't post that in a review :P) I can't wait for more!!


Love, Deni xxx


Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 18 Nov 2018 04:31 AM · For: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

Hi, Abbi! Here I am! So happy you posted this today (or yesterday? Well, not really important...)!!! :D

And, wow! What a chapter! It was so incredibly intense! I loved it so much!

So I was partly right and it was Professor Hopkins... the whole Occlumancy sequence was so powerful, and it was so scary how Amelia couldn't feel anything anymore... I was truly worried that she would stay blocked in that emptiness, but then the sight of James and the reactions of his team brought it all back. And poor Amelia, how overwhelming it must have felt... all those emotions crashing over her that way! And I can't believe all the House rivalry and prejudice that still exists between Gryffindors and Slytherins... people can be extremely stupid at times... *glares at Gryffindor Quidditch team*

Oh, btw, I think you wrote the Quidditch bits really well. :) I can't write Quidditch to save my life, so I understand why you would find it tricky, but I really think it paid off. ;)

Now back to the present... I'm glad that Harry and Hermione managed to get the truth out of her. I loved how Harry lost his patience at a certain point when Amelia kept accusing that they'd heard what they wanted to listen anyway, I can understand that he would find it frustrating. (If it wasn't clear, I'm a big Harry fan in this story... :P) Sure, Amelia's situation is a big mess now... if she goes free she'll be hunted down by the Cause, but there's really no other choice... (unless they sent her back to Azkaban, against any rule and moral... and I'm sure they won't do it...) How will they get out of the empasse? Also, how will the trial go? I hope everything turns out okay... Oh, and can I say that I love that Micheal and Susan did report her, but to the DA and not officially? It really shows how much they care about her. I wish Amelia realised that, too. Maybe she does but she's just having trouble trusting anyone at the moment. Or maybe she's worried of putting them in danger, too. Maybe a mix of all those things. Wow, this is complicated in so many ways...

And James... I'm still wondering what's up with him... and what will happen in the past once he wakes up... and I'm still wondering what exactly happened at that damned funeral... but I guess I'll wait patiently for the next chapter... I feel like things are starting to build up now...

Also, Amelia had her wand with her the whole time, and it was her wand, so... where is the Elder Wand? Is it still in the Room of Requirements? What did she leave in that envelope to Victoria? So many questions still opened...

Wonderful, wonderful chapter, my dear! Can't wait for more!

Snowball hug,


Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 06 Nov 2018 04:18 PM · For: The Room of Ashes

Hi, Abby! :)

Finally I'm caught up with you! And now I really need a new chapter... hope you'll give me more soon!

Amelia... I understand that you are angry... believe me, I get it... and you have all good reasons to, but... refusing to have your injuries treated? And to talk to Harry? He's trying to help you! He's giving you the benefit of the doubt! Come on, don't make things worse than they are already... trust the people who can actually help you... :(

(I really hope that they will properly talk in the next chapter...)

As for the past... they did hide the Wand! And they finally had their intimate moment... it was such a sweet and emotional scene, I've loved it so much! I'm so happy for those two... although... that last section... it's so ominous... and I'm so worried, because I have a feeling that James' downfall is starting now and I don't even know how or why or where it's going to lead... (I mean, I guess it's leading to the NeoWalds, but I'm still so full of doubts about everything...)

And talking about James and the NeoWalds... I think it was interesting and a bit weird what he saw in the Mirror? (I love that you brought up the Mirror, btw) like I'm creating a space for young witches and wizards to be themselves. This sounds kind of Grindelwald-ish? But maybe I'm seeing too much into it?

Instead, Amelia's Mirror... :( Of course that's what she would see. Her parents being actual parents. A normal family. A life without cares. :( I don't know if I would want to look into the Mirror if I had the chance, to be honest... I'm not sure what I would see and what it would say of me... but I'm getting philosophical now... it's too late for that...

There's probably a lot more I should say, but I can't remember what... anyway, wonderful job as always! And now I really need more, I'll be eagerly waiting for an update! <3

Thank you so much for this massive swap!

Lots of love and snowball hug,


Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 04 Nov 2018 04:45 PM · For: The Heir of Cadmus

Hi again, Abby! :)

I'm almost caught up now, only one more chapter! This is so exciting!

And they got the Wand! And... I did think about the Mirror of Erised there... it is the kind of thing Harry would do... I love the parallel and I love how Amelia made it work. She's so smart... (except when she does stupid things... but let's not talk about it now...)

I'm not sure if hiding the Wand in the Room of Requirements is a great idea... I feel like it would be more protected where it is... and are they even going to hide it there? I have a feeling that they won't... but I might be wrong, of course...

Urgh, Umbridge... you have this ability of making me hate the characters I hated in the books even more... she's so awful! I guess I'm glad she got the punishment she deserved and that she's in Azkaban now... but I also hate that she has so much power on the other prisoners and that the guards don't do anything about it... I admire Amelia's rebelliousness, but at the same time I wish she stopped putting herself in dangerous situations... :(

I'm still so curious to learn more... I will be back for the next chapter soon. And then I will poke you constantly for more... :P But for now I really need to head to bed...

See you soon! :D



Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 04 Nov 2018 03:42 PM · For: A Dangerous Creature

They can't! They can't just put her in Azkaban without a trial! Isn't it exactly the kind of shit Harry and Hermione would have fought against as Head of the DMLE and Minister for Magic? And the way Amelia was treated in general... that's so blatantly abuse of power... Yes, I'm angry. I only hope that Harry will set this right when he comes back! But you told me not to trust Harry, so... :(

I'm still wondering what the hell happened at that funeral... what did Amelia do? How are both parts convinced that she was supporting the other? Will Harry believe her this time? And what about James? (I wonder if they would have given him the same treatment had he been the one who got arrested... I'm quite sure they wouldn't... sorry if I'm being polemical... I'm just extremely angry at the Aurors right now...)

I had a feeling Amelia would have wanted to try to get the Wand from Dumbledore's grave... and now I wonder if she and James actually did it. (I think they did, but I wonder how that will work out...) And you asked me which was my theory... well... I think that Amelia has kept the Wand for herself and that she's left it to Victoria in that envelope... but it's a pretty wild guess, so... go and laugh at me if I'm completely off track...

And while we are talking theories... is the fool at Hogwarts one of her Professors? Ritter? Or Hopkins? (Hopkins is the DADA Professor, right? My memory is terrible...)

I'm not sure if it is a good idea for me to keep reading on now... but I guess I will just because I need to know what happens next...

Wonderful chapter as always! <3

Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 29 Oct 2018 05:28 PM · For: The Escape

Hey, there, Abby! Back again for our massive swap! :D

Wow! What a chapter! This might be one of the most intense chapters so far (which is saying something)... just so good! You are such a brilliant writer!!!


I loved to see James getting so defensive of his father here. A nice contrast with the rebelliousness he's shown some chapters ago... it seems like he here he really believes that his father is infallible, which is maybe a bit childish, but also sweet, I guess? I loved all the family dynamics with the Potters! The snowball fight was awesome! It saddened me a little that Amelia never experienced that kind of family bond... (I mean, I guess it's partly her fault, since the Corners have tried to give her that family normalcy, but also... her childhood with her mother must have been so... cold? And also, I can see how she has this sort of resistance towards the Corners, even if it saddens me... they've done their best to make her feel loved... poor Susan and Micheal... :( )

Rita Skeeter... urgh... I HATE that woman SO MUCH! She's very high on my scale of most hated characters in the series... and anytime she appears in this story I hate her even more... she's just so unnerving!!!

But who was trying to read Amelia's mind, indeed? I'm totally clueless about this (at least for now...) But it's scary... and poor James... he was just trying to help... but of course after her experience Amelia would panic over something like that... :/


They actually talked! Well, sort of... And looks like James knows perfectly why Amelia is there. And at least he's tried to protect her? But he's clearly on the NeoWalds' side, and willingly... unless he has ulterior motives? Unless he's trying to infiltrate the organization just like Amelia is? Yes, I still want to believe in him... that's just who I am...

But who is this person at Hogwarts who's messing up all their plans? What are their plans? Just whatever is going on?

And wow, that Ministry raid... you write action brilliantly, did I mention that? (You write everything brilliantly, actually...) And she got arrested... this is so not going well... :/

And James... not only he is a NeoWald, he's also highly regarded among them... or was it just my impression? What's going to happen now? I really need to go to bed, but I shall be back soon because I need to know what's next...

Such an amazing chapter!!!

Lots of love, my dear!


Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 27 Oct 2018 05:46 PM · For: In This Moment

One thing is for sure, Cassius Vaisey is terrifying...

And all my questions from the previous review remain... although Amelia's lack of a wand makes me suspicious... but I'm not going to express wild theories for now, I'll just wait to read more...

Oh, just so you know, you skipped a breaker between Amelia being left in the library and Amelia and James being almost caught by the family in the past...

Btw, I loved the built up and the sexual tension and everything else in that scene... poor James and Amelia, I did feel bad when they were interrupted, but at the same time I found it amusing... I wonder how much Ginny read in it, I have a feeling she knew perfectly what had been going on.., :P

And the whole banter between Amelia and James... James' complains about having to put Albus into bed... :P They are so funny, I love them so much! :P

But back to the present... :/

Now Amelia has been officially introduced into the NeoWalds' circle... and like Rita said, there's no turning back... I still think that she's making a huge mistake, but I hope somehow it'll work out in the end.

Vaisey doesn't trust her. And I can't blame him, honestly. Apparently she's caused a lot of damage to the Cause in the past... what exactly happened at her father's funeral? What was she even doing at her father's funeral? It's not like they had a great father/daughter relationship... and he was killed by the NeoWalds themselves? Why?

I'm changing my mind slightly in regards to Rita, she seems to actually care for her daughter after all. I won't go as far as saying that she's a good mother, but at least she's trying to protect her? To speak in her favour? That doesn't mean I trust her or like her or forgive her or anything.

And, oh my Merlin! They met! They finally met! What's going to happen, indeed? It must be such a big shock for them both... and once again I'm scared... :/

Also, I wonder who "that bloody fool at Hogwarts" is?

I will probably be back tomorrow. For now it's almost midnight, so I really should go to bed...

Another great chapter, anyway. :D

Lots of love,


Name: Felpata_Lupin (Signed) · Date: 27 Oct 2018 03:34 PM · For: The Lupin-Weasley Wedding

Hi, Abby! I'm back! :)

Oh, I loved this chapter so much! Yes, everything in the present is an absolute mess, but the scenes in the past were lovely! The wedding was just wonderful!

I had so much fun as James introduced Amelia to everyone, especially at the "my girlfriend who actually exists" bit. :P And George's joke about losing his ear after hearing about Amelia so much... so typical George! :D

I've loved meeting Luna, too. I understood it was her just from her line about interrupting thoughts, so... to answer to your question... you did all the canon characters justice!

And speaking of doing canon characters justice... "There was an austere fierceness about her as she walked past us down the aisle, something in the way she wore her hair in an elegant bun and in the way she held her shoulders." If this isn't a perfect description of Andromeda Tonks/Black, I don't know what is...

The memorial table... *cries* Do you know that the one thing I've never forgiven JK for was killing off Remus and Tonks and leaving Teddy orphan like that? :( Anyway, that was such a lovely detail to include...

And yay! Typical, old Hagrid giving away information without knowing it... :P Okay, I probably shouldn't be happy about it, because now that Amelia has that additional info she's going to get into trouble... (which she already has... but that's beside the point...)

And the Slytherin dance tradition! I love it so much! And of course the Next-Gen kids would have no trouble speaking Voldemort's name... interesting point to make, anyway...

But where is the Wand now? What did Amelia leave to Victoria in her makeup bag? Did Amelia and James retrieve the Wand from Dumbledore's grave? Does Amelia still have it? Why does she think that the NeoWalds might go after Victoria? Also, I hadn't made the connection at all with Gaius and Seamus and the murder in Hogsmeade... I think I did ask you if it was Seamus' parents? But then I forgot it... and Gaius has a personal reason to hate the NeoWalds, and now Amelia is becoming one of them... (pretending to, but that's not very different at this point... not for external eyes...)

The meeting with Rita... what's going to happen next? Have the Corners actually reported Amelia? And what's Victoria going to think? What will happen when she finds the envelope, whatever it is? Where is the Wand? What's James up to? So many questions... too many questions... I want answers now!!!

I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something foundamental, but just know that this chapter was awesome, just like all the other chapters so far!

See you soon!

Love you,


Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 04:41 PM · For: The Room of Ashes

Oh my goodness. I wish Harry could be trusted and that Amelia would trust him. Maybe if he wasn’t in the ministry... that last bit was really ominous. “I couldn’t see the darkness brewing in him” oh James. He takes back the Elder wand, doesn’t he? This story is going to break my heart. I know it.

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 04:09 PM · For: The Escape

Now I’m just confused. James’ behavior.... I just don’t know 

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 02:38 PM · For: In This Moment

Oh my gosh. Abby. My heart!

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 12:20 PM · For: The Dinner Party

I don’t even know what to say. Your plot construction is brilliant, and you have me hanging on the edge of my seat.

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 11:57 AM · For: Hogsmeade

Albus!!!! No!!! 

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 11:25 AM · For: Banshee's Breath

She really is a Slytherin. Resourceful, driven, willing to do whatever it takes.

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 11:16 AM · For: The Witch's Trial

Oh man. I don’t know what’s going on there at the end, but whyyy . It looks bad. I feel like she might get closer to James this way, maybe, but what happens when the Ministry finds out that she joined this group of crazies?! Unless she’s doing this for the ministry???

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 26 Oct 2018 09:46 AM · For: The Mistranslation

Agh! And the plot thickens !

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 25 Oct 2018 10:03 PM · For: Exchanges of Words

Now I want Amelia to be all BA and team up with Harry and take these punks down! And save James in the meantime, either from himself or from the bad guys.

Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 25 Oct 2018 09:31 PM · For: The Heir of Ignotus


Name: javu (Signed) · Date: 25 Oct 2018 09:14 PM · For: The Circumstances for Promises

Hey! I've been reading along! I really like the tension between Harry and Amelia too. I knew he'd come visit her at night all mysterious like! And he did! And you really build tension by keeping things from the readers. I'm so curious to find out what happened!


But I have had an awful thought... what if it isn't that James was taken, but rather that he went willingly? That he doesn't want to be found? That he wants people to believe that he's dead? That line, "But I trusted James too." !! So like, she confided in James, but that trust was misplaced. So... he did something to betray her? This whole time I was thinking that she did the wrong, but now I'm thinking it was James. I don't know how or why, but that's my going theory right now.

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