Tuffnut Thorston

by grumpycatby grumpycat

Given a task, Charlie is soon off into a new world where new dragons abound.


Written for Tanda's Dragon Story Challenge.


Crossover of the Harry Potter Universe and How to Train Your Dragon.

banner by the fantabulous grumpy cat

Rating and Advisories (required): Teen Audiences (Violence)

Content Warnings (optional): Dying/Grieving

Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Crossover, Drama, Fluff, Humor

Tropes: Careers, Friendship, Magical Creature, Marriage, Parenthood
Incomplete · Published: 06 Jun 2019 · Updated: 03 Jun 2020 · Words: 5730 · Chapters: 4 · Reviews: 20 · Likes: 9 · Reads: 6482

Series: Kneazles, Bowtruckles, and Owls, Oh My!