Reviews For Broken

Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 27 Jan 2021 04:39 PM · For: Broken


Hi there!


This was such an intriguing fic, I wonder what happened with Oliver? Whatever it was it seems like he thinks it was really bad if he has to turn to drink because of it. I'm glad he felt like he could talk to Hermione about it though, and I'm even more glad that it seems to have helped.


I loved the letter format of the fic and how much you can get from them. You can feel the letters getting more friendly as they become closer and Oliver starts to work through the stuff that's been bothering him. 


This was a really interesting piece, I  really enjoyed it!



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.



Name: prideofprewett (Signed) · Date: 25 Jan 2021 11:19 AM · For: Broken

I love a good epistolary fic. (:


I particularly loved the slow progression of this. You feel the walls that Oliver has put up to keep people out within these letters. But also, he wants someone to know. And in some ways, someone who doesn't know you so intimately is the best person to confide in. I like that he manages to get some things off his chest, but of course, other things he's not ready to yet. 


I also like that Hermione is in a position to give him advice. You could really see her practicality coming through within her letters. But also, there's something emotional happening as well.


I liked seeing how they end each letter with no sign off at the beginning of this piece, but by the end of it, they're using words of affection like "with love," and then "love."


Great job!


<3 Courtney 


* team ice otter * 

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