Reviews For about love

Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 16 Mar 2022 09:37 PM · For: it's a shock to my system




here for galazy revewing event :)


so how am I meant to be feeling about teddy?? like him but i'm also annoyed by him is my main feeling. i kinda want him to move on from vic which is  insane because i think it's only been like a day so dude should get more grieving time than i'm willing to give here. it's so interesting to see g from someone who doesn't particularly like him. like i love him so much but another view is interesting but also kinda valid. he can be snarky, yeahh. still kinda ready to go to war for g sooooooooo you know. teddy's view is interesting but not important to me. haha


ohmygod, g is so bloody blunt with everyone. like casually as you like 'im fucking vic' lmaoooo. i shouldn't expect anything less from him so much. I love seeing the siblings and johanna. i kinda forget how johanna fits into this universe but i love her too. she's teddy's best friend? or did they work together in one story? idk, bottom line, jo is so good.




Author's Response:

omg i'm lowkey considering an og!shenanigans chatfic where teddy uhhh says how he really feels about g rn, it is not as charitable as he made it out to be to vic haha


also tysm <3 <3 <3 i'm working on stuff i don't want to do rn and this made it more bearable by a wide margin <3

Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 16 Mar 2022 09:23 PM · For: now i'm all caught up in the highs and the lows


hiiii b,


here for the galazy reviewing event :)


soo, omg. I read like some of the other chapters of this ages ago and there are some more. yay. this chapter just makes me fall in love with g over and over again. i love how much he is willing to put himself out there but also really wanting to protect his heart as well. he loves himself too in a really positive way which i think is another thing that is so wonderful about this character. vic is obviously just so important to him and it really comes across. 


vic is an idiot, like this girl so damn bad with words and like it's just not coming out right. it's all messy but she doesn't seem to mean it to be. somehow g is just meant to get whats she is talking about. she's so horrified that she's not being clear too. it's kinda bad but i love the 'they aren't you' trope-y cuteness answer. it's perfect. like teddy is cool and all but it's these idiots right here who are just everything! also give teddy a nice love interest at some point?? i would be here for that.


Abbi xx


Name: Ineke (Signed) · Date: 23 Mar 2021 08:13 PM · For: didn't see it coming

branwennn <3 here for the gift tag and while i def should read up on all things everything shenanigans this just got my eye and i had to read it SO HERE I AM


loving the groupname of gillian and gallagher also i love the name gillian


gallagher is obv not fine but loving that gillian texts about it tho


everyone be worried about gallagher i want to hug him


ur jumping to conclusions. i wholly support those conclusions however


i dont believe u but ok


i want to hug g still


lol still the right conclusions tere


everything is not fine


she put what on her door


im van. obv. bc i hadnt even seen his response yet.


branwen did u get inspiration from your own things


r u vic


u love more than just that g


yes u are


im van


its not a small thing






van i love u


it bothers u a lot


i can just see van just hitting himself in the head bc like why does he have to deal w this


maybe is a start


van i continue to love u


ur already upset mate






obv not van


i want to hug g


not sure if thats a nice thing to do when shes like in a relationship but ok


omfg g ur def not just a little into her


i stll want to hug g


also i kinda feel that


im w g on not telling


i def feel g


good point


lol older sibling mood




how r u not noticing gillian


seriously HOW


‘dont think hed say no’ JESUS CHRIST HED JUMP W JOY or some equivalent of that


straight to the point there van


theyre into eachother


like a ‘he isnt asking so im just gon go w teddy until g gets his shit together’ kind of thing?



Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 19 Feb 2021 09:06 AM · For: wouldn't give it up for nothing

hey branwen, 


here for the reviewing event!


i love how in this fic that fred is just the straight man to all vic's actions like 'wtf mate', the contrast to vic/g's lack of chill and behaviour to fred/van's reactions is funny and I love how effective it is. 


gallagher: i want to take her stargazing and then fuck her on the soccer field, I found this line to be really hilarious like he is a bit soppy romantic but also a guy as well. I love this thought process of his and i feel like a lot of what g says about vic is just word vomit like good vomit obviously?? if good vomit is a thing. he doesn't seem to think much about who he is saying it too. his feelings about vic just come up uncontrollably. that's a gross metaphor but feels totally accurate at the same time. 


top use of gif by the way. that telling vic he liked her was so painful. I guess because it's chatfic so we don't really get vic's inner thought process but what are you suppose to say to someone who says 'i like you' when you spend like million years getting over them and have a new boyfriend. I said I hated teddy before but i also feel kinda bad for him now too. g depressive listening to taylor swift. i love it. 


GOING FOR A WALK, AWWWWWW. yes <3 <3  these two idiots are the best.


abbi xx


Author's Response:

it's a gross metaphor but tbh it is a *perfect* one omg <3 :joy: tysm!!!!

Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 18 Feb 2021 10:56 PM · For: swept up in your hurricane


hey branwen,


i'm back probably with a more sane head on? maybe. I was caught up on emotion that I forgot to say that the last review was for fairyland reviewing event.


I love getting in from the other end of the stick. vic is just so shocked that he likes her and no-one else is that shocked. I love fred in the best friend role to victorie in your stories. they just work really well as a duo. i can't believe that vic asked him out and g didn't even realise? i kinda need to know how this went down because how didn't he know this? was vic just being awkward and not clear it's a date? I need this situation played out. 


their conversation are just so great, they have such a good flow and they feel like they have such a good base for relationship because they do know each other so well, they have inside jokes and just on the same page as such other generally. idk, the chemistry is just there. I love how natural your dialogue is for them. 


TEDDY. I feel like I shouldn't be mad because teddy was really only just going for what he wanted (which g probably should have done) but i want v/g together so I'm kinda mad with teddy, just asking her out because he knew that g wanted to. idk, i get why he's a bit pissed too but yeah, mixed feelings from me on that one. also lovely to see johanna <3


van is tharpist role. i love it.  he literally says 'how do you feel about that?'. g seriously lacks chill. in a major way. it's endearing just cos I think we know that vic has feelings too. <33333


abbi xx


Author's Response:

ABBI i would never write characters without chill omg what do you take me for, i am like the chillest person around, i do not lack chill to such an extent that i fundamentally can't understand what it is to have it!!!


<3 <3 <3 thank you you're the best

Name: Crimson Quill (Signed) · Date: 18 Feb 2021 10:37 PM · For: didn't see it coming

hey branwen,


omg, more v/g vibes! I love it so hard <3


i really like that gallager is kinda a dork but it's cool. he is so whiny about vic but personally i'm finding it hella adorable. I think I'm going to call it passionate instead like he isn't afriad to show he likes her (at least to his friends/family - to her face not so much??) but he's a great character, i love him so much. he is just thinking aloud to van, it's in his head but he has decided to just decided to talk himself through this realisation. van is such a good big brother. like 'van: if somebody else saying "i'm into you" wrecks your relationship, maybe you were dating the wrong person in the first place.' HE IS SO WISE.


gillian and van are like mini gallagher cheerleading team, i love how much they have his back. gillan casually just 'i'm a bad friend' because she wants them together. teddy is already really annoying. like he hasn't done anything wrong but i hate him. v/g foreverzzzz. also can I call gallagher 'g' more because i struggle to spell it like every time i write and i've read a ton of your work recently?? I don't know if questions like this are allowed in reviews but you know. I'm going to say g from now on.  I love his whiny arse <3333 I think i might have mentioned that already ooops. fic is super cute tho. i can't wait read more from this because they're the type of couple that you can write them getting together like billion times and it's never boring. 


abbi xx



Author's Response:



yes you can def say g hahaha <3 <3

Name: magemadi (Signed) · Date: 03 Feb 2021 09:08 PM · For: swept up in your hurricane

Branwen. I. Need. Another. Chapter. NOW! This isn’t fairrrrr, everyone is in limbo and this awkward sort of love triangle is making *ME* uncomfortable with how weird everyone *in* the love triangle is feeling in this chapter :joy: I’m glad Vic isn’t so oblivious to knowing that Gallagher wasn’t his usual self during LotR movie night and makes that effort to reach out to her friend and check in on him, make sure he’s okay. <3 *BUT ALSO Y’ALL NEED TO GET IT TOGETHER* Teddy being worried about Vic and Gallagher doing a movie night alone while everyone else goes bowling is valid of him, as he’s obviously thinking he and Vic are an item of some sort, but knows Gallagher likes her, so, yeah, valid of him to worry about it. Also oh Gallagher, get it together man, she’s sleeping in your bed! :joy:

Fairy foxy review event

Name: magemadi (Signed) · Date: 03 Feb 2021 09:01 PM · For: didn't see it coming

Hi hi! I’m so glad Lo’s spotify wrapped made you write this because now I just gotta read more of your Vic/Gallagher things even if this one isn’t so hopeful right away. I LOVE that you’ve used your college thing of putting the std plushie microbes on the door to indicate sexytimes or similar do-not-bother-us activities are going on in here to let the other’s at Gillian’s that Vic and Teddy are ~busy~. But also I have questions about why they’re doing that if it’s friend movie night!! Like, bros, you’re watching LotR, get with the program here :P Poor Gallagher, being caught between a rock and a hard place with his feelings for Vic while she’s with Teddy. Urgh. Hopefully next chapter resolves this :grimacing:

Fairy foxy review event

Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 01 Feb 2021 01:45 PM · For: swept up in your hurricane

Hi there!


Aww, somehow now that both of them sort of know he has a thing for her, even if Vic is in denial about it, it makes things so much worse! It's amusing that Vic would then want to stay over,and borrow his clothes (which probably isn't that big of a deal but, I don't know, maybe it is), it's like she wants him to like her. 


I do feel a bti sorry for Teddy though, especially since it seems like he knows Gallagher likes Vic. I hope things can end happily for all of them, but with teenage drama who knows! 


Another great chapter! 



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.


Name: ShazaLupin (Signed) · Date: 01 Feb 2021 12:38 AM · For: didn't see it coming


Hi there!


Aww poor Gallagher, that can't be much fun. Not only is he into a friend, that friend is currently dating someone else and then having sex while they're in the other room. That really sucks for him. Although I did laugh at the syphilis on the door! 


I wonder if he will tell Vic about his feeling? I feel like that would be a little bit awkward for everyone involved,and i can't imagine Teddy being too happy about it, if he found out, but maybe it is for the best? If it stops Gallagher moping and helps him feel better? Who knows for sure, I suppose it's only Vic who can decide how that affects things. 


This was a great read, and I loved this style of formatting with the texts! 



Written for the winter in fairyland review event.


Name: maraudertimes (Signed) · Date: 06 Dec 2020 10:21 PM · For: didn't see it coming

BRANWEN!!!! YOU WROTE ME A THING AS A GIFT AND THEREFORE I AM REVIEWING IT AS A GIFT!!! (while also listening to the song on repeat because of course I am?)

OMG YES the azula/ty lee hill - but only if azula gets therapy because she definitely needs it

Oh no!!! Poor G, pining over Vic while she and Teddy are getting serious?? Oh and they have sex while he’s over?? Aghhhhh not fun! (although the syphilis stuffy!!! Love it!!)

Yes, Van absolutely does need to do that, also idk what it is about Van being older-brother like but I’m kinda into it? Am I developing a crush on Van???

I definitely am, hello is Van single???


Geeze idk what to think. On one hand, Van is super right and if G telling Vic that he likes her ruins her relationship, it wasn’t solid to begin with. On the other hand, Teddy asked her out first and actually made that move, and didn’t just let things happen. But on the biggest hand, Vic should get to choose, so I am 100% on Van’s side that G needs to ask her out like yesterday.


Please write more asap okay??


Lo <3


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